  • 期刊


Archaeological study of The Han Dynasty frontier fortress in Juyan




居延 漢代邊塞 城址 烽燧


The site of Juyan is famous for its unearthed wooden slips of the Han Dynasty. The wooden slips unearthed in Juyan have become an important material for researching the history of the Han Dynasty. Juyan site is located in the Ejina River Basin. In this area, hundreds of Han Dynasty city sites including 'Ting, Sui, Zhang and Sai' sitesare being uncovered. The three ancient city sites found during archaeological survey in Juyan were all located on the west bank of Juyanze in the Han Dynasty. Especially BJ2008, which is the closest to Juyanze, may be the earliest Juyan city built in the Han Dynasty. In addition, there are a large number of stone mills and rows of grain cellars found in K710, which are obviously different from K688, reflecting the different functions of the two city sites. As the smallest unit on the frontier defense line in the Han Dynasty, Fengsui can be divided into two zones: garrison and life quarters, according to its different functions. Through the discussion and speculation of the various functions of Fengsui, we can reconstruct the life of border garrison soldiers taking turns to defend the fortress and light signal fires.


Juyan Han Dynasty frontier fortress settlement Fengsui


尹世積:《禹貢集解》(上海:商務印書館,1957 年)。
《漢書•地理志》(北京:中華書局,1976 年)。
孫機:《漢代物質文化資料圖說》(上海:文物出版社,1990 年)。
《中國大百科全書•考古學》(北京:中國大百科全書出版社,1992 年)。
甘肅省文物工作隊:《額濟納河下游漢代烽隧遺址調查報告》,《漢簡研究文集》(蘭州:甘肅人民出版社,1984 年)。

