  • 期刊


The Influence of the French Independent Foreign Policy on Sarkozy's Pro-America Attitude


二次大戰後,法國經濟濱臨破產。為了穩定歐洲,美國推動馬歇爾計劃,大量物質與金援法國與其他西歐國家。法國的政治安定與經濟繁榮絕對是美國所致。但是法國自1958年第五共和首任總統戴高樂以降,推動獨立外交政策,處處與美國對外政策頇挌。美國對法國戰後以中等國家地位企圖在世界舞台上扮演一等國家的外交政策感到非常不舒服。2007年5月法國總統大選親美候選人薩科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)當選。薩科奇崇尚美式價值系統,未當選總統之前強烈表示支持美國對外政策。一些觀察家預測法國將揚棄自1958年第五共和戴高樂(Charle De Gaule)總統所制訂的獨立自主外交政策,走上親美路線。然而就「搏奕論的非零合遊戲」理論觀之,法國獨立外交路線對維護法國國家利益與尊嚴確有正面價值,因此四十年來一直為歷屆總統所遵循。在新世紀裡,當美國霸權正陷於單邊困境急需國際多邊協助與合作,強調多邊主義的歐盟與聯合國成為法國對抗美國有利的籌碼。法美在許多國際議題上存有重大國家利益衝突;面對法美利益衝突,薩科奇不可能違背法國反美民意,將個人對美國偏好置於國家利益之上,放棄傳統獨立外交路線,唯美國馬首是瞻。可以肯定的是,薩科奇改變席哈克對美咄咄逼人的態度,採取友善政策。但事涉國家利益議題,薩科奇仍然會延續法國傳統獨立外交路線基調,以維護法國國家利益與尊嚴。


After the end of World War 2, France's economy was nearly at the verge of bankruptcy. The United States made the Marshall Plan for rebuilding and creating a stronger foundation for the allied countries of Europe, offering huge financial aid to them. It is beyond doubt that America contributed much to the political stability and economic prosperity of France. Since the French Fifth Republic, the independent foreign policy made by President Charle De Gaule has been implemented by his successors and has often conflicted with the United States on many international issues for the last 40 years. France's attempts to play an international part in the world stage really have long upset America. The pro-America candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, was elected the sixth President of the French Fifth Republic in the 2007 presidential election. Sarkozy had extremely showed his admiration of American value system and strongly expressed his support of the foreign policies of the United States before the presidential election. In view of this, some observers predicted that France would change its independent policy and follow the America's foreign policies. From the points of view of the non-zero sum theory, France's independent foreign policy has really maintained its national interests and dignity, which has been followed for the last 40 years. In this new century, as America, the world's only superpower, being in the difficult unilateral predicament urgently needs international multiple assistance and cooperation, the multilateralistic EU and UN are the high cards in France's foreign game toward America. There will be great.


