  • 期刊

繪本創作中的妖怪角色特質表現研究-探討台灣繪本創作者以「妖 怪」角色為主題創作

The Study of the Special Features of Monster Characters in Picture Books-The case of Taiwanese Artists using the theme of "monster" as Their Creative Content.


人在現實的世界多了想像,在文字與繪畫中多了不妥協思考,以動物擬人、擬人動物化身,在創作中有更多天馬行空表現,「怪」怪!見「怪」不怪!因為「怪」所 以異於常人有所「怪」,也因人給予世俗不同價值觀,引發了世人好奇心。因「怪」擁有魔法力量、勇猛、神奇、特殊力量表現,讓人思想領域,有更多想像。像西遊記頑逆不屈的孫悟空、浮庸好色好吃豬八戒都是賦予動物形象人格化下一種創意角色。繪本閱讀是這幾年來在台灣不論是學齡前兒童、大小朋友及親子共讀中最好 的一種獲得知識媒介,好的繪本圖文創作可以讓閱讀故事及人格教育上,有其極大潛移默化教育作用,因台灣近年在繪本創作上,有許多創作者投入這產業,跟以前比較下有其新質意義及創作表現,而更有趣是以「妖怪」做為創作內容表現主題,蔚然成為一股「怪」可愛且親兒童化世界風潮,以此做為題材創作表現更是特殊。此乃是個人做為研究探討此主題研究原因。個人研究主要方向在探討:一、「妖怪」角色與象徵意義。二、在視覺、視知覺、認知心理學,與兒童心理與行為發展關 係反應到繪本中「妖怪」角色表現。三、繪本中「妖怪」角色表現,與閱讀者之間價值意義。


妖怪 角色 象徵 視知覺 繪本


”The monster” has magic, brave and special power. It allows room for more human imagination. In Taiwan, reading picture book has become the best way for preschool kids, elder children, and family to obtain knowledge in recent years. A good picture book can have great and subtle influence on personality education and reading skills. As more and more artists choose to create picture books and use the theme of ”monsters” in the content, I intend to focus my research on this topic. The research has three directions: First, to investigate the role and the meaning of ”the monster” in picture books. Second, to analyze these monster characters from the perspectives of visuality, visual perception, cognitive psychology, child psychology and behavioral development. Third, to study the difference between the value judgments of the ”the monster” and the reader of the picture book.


monster character symbol visual perception picture book