  • 期刊


Revitalization of Miatungusu and Representation of Ethnic Identity: A Case Study of the Hla'alua in Tauyuan Hsiang (1993-2003)


「南鄒族」Hla'alua人是世居高屏溪上游深山叢林中,人數約五百人的南島語系臺灣原住民族。儘管荷蘭時期以來,已有少數探險家與官員留下零散的Hla'alua 文獻史記,但事實上直到1990年代以前,仍只有少數幾位人類學、語言學者曾翻山越嶺實地走訪、調查紀錄Hla'alua 的社會組織與文化特質。雖然Hla'alua在臺灣社會能見度一直不高,但卻擁有一項未曾見諸於其他臺灣原住民族群,以貝殼神做為崇拜對象,祭儀與樂舞形式十分複雜的獨特祭典-Miatungusu貝神祭。當多元文化主義成為世界許多先進國家與臺灣的風潮之後,臺灣原住民的多樣性文化也因而受到重視,Hla'alua貝神祭這項過去鮮為人知的祭儀也隨之得到前所未有的關注。Hla'alua族人們在與官方、文化團體、及各學科(包括,人類學、語言學、民族音樂學、臺灣文學)研究者協同合作之下,開始復振貝神祭祭典文化,於是,貝神祭不但被視為Hla'alua最具代表性的無形文化資產,甚至也成為族群認同再現的重要指標。本論文中,筆者將以田野調查的經驗,結合文史紀錄,一方面探索並闡述此一文化復振與族群認同再現之變遷歷程;另一方面,期望此研究能做為將來從事臺灣原住民文化研究,一個可與其他族群進行跨文化比較研究的族群實例。


Hla'alua, a Taiwanese indigenous people, has been living in the villages along the Kaoping river for several hundred years. The adventurers from foreign countries and researchers from research institutes have visited this people's villages since the 19 century, and they wrote down some reports about Hla'alua's social organization and culture. However, Hla'alua is still a rarely known indigenous group in Taiwanese society. In the 1990s, miatugusu, a unique Hla'alua shell god ritual, attracted unexpected public attentions. In order to revitalize miatugusu, several experts from ethnological musicology, linguistics, and anthropology began to cooperate with Hla'alua people and try to represent miatungusu in the field and on the stage. Then, miatugusu was quickly viewed as a key symbol of Hla'alua identity.In this article, I would like to describe and interpret the process of the revitalization of miatungusu and representation of Hla'alua identity. This exploration may benefit to the studies of Taiwanese literature and culture studies.


Hla'alua miatungusu identity ritual revitali


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