  • 期刊


Colony as New Homeland: The Image of Taiwan in Masugi Shizue's Short Stories: "Tomb in the South" and "Language of the South"




南方 殖民地 新故鄉 真杉靜枝 臺灣意象


Masugi Shizue was a woman writer who grew up in Taiwan during Japanese rule on the island. The dialectical relationship between ”home” and ”homeland” had been the major concern in her writing project. The short story ”Tomb in the South” was seen the most representative one among her early works. It, from the viewpoint of Japanese woman, depicted colonial space as a prison overshadowed by patriarchal dominance. ”South” was like a metaphor of colonial degeneration and was no difference to the tomb that buried the youth of women. However, toward the end of the 1930s, she began to reinterpret Taiwan with the short story ”Language in the South”, in which the protagonist Kimura Hanako's fate was elevated to a political allegory implying that the colony had become Japanese women's new homeland. Thus, the literary turn of Masugi Shizue was embodied in the narrative turn as exemplified in these two stories. When the tomb was turned into new homeland for a woman as reflected in the stories, this writer's national identity ambivalently expressed her resistant and embracing attitudes toward male state system. These works fully exposed her eagerness for love, her anxiety over wartime, and her imagination of nation-state.


South Colony New Homeland Masugi Shizue Image of Taiwan


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吳佩珍,〈皇民化時期的語言政策與內台結婚問題:以真杉靜枝〈南方的語言〉為中心〉,《台灣文學學報》,第 12 期,(2008 年 6 月),頁 45-62。
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