  • 期刊


日治初期台灣地方行政的問題點-以橋口文藏的〈辨務署巡回日誌〉為中心|Problems of Local Governance in the early ere of Colonial Taiwan : A Study of the "Diary of the Inspection to Benmushos" of Hashiguchi Bunzo in Taipei Prefecture




日本統治下的台灣於1897年5月進行地方官制改正,將台灣行政區域劃分為6縣3廳,縣廳之下開設86個「辨務署」。台灣總督府在縣廳的樞要之地,設置了相當於日本內地的官治行政機關「郡役所」的辨務署。且同時援用清末台灣的鄉治舊堡街庄等的地方秩序,在辨務署之下,設置「街庄長制」,作為縣廳官治行政的輔助機關。本文首先分析1897年台北縣知事橋口文藏在管轄區域下的各辨務署巡迴日誌,將焦點置於橋口巡迴視察縣治下新設之辨務署的情況及現地的實態,考察日本統治初期台灣地方社會及地方行政存在的問題點。繼而透過橋口文藏的學經歷等背景,瞭解明治期的農政實務官僚及其對新殖民地台灣的認識。|Under Japanese rule, there was a reform of the local administrative system in May, 1897, in which Taiwan was divided into six prefectures and three districts. For the operation of this reform, 86 local offices "Benmusho" (辨務署) were created under the prefectural level. The Governor-general of Taiwan established these local offices identical to the county offices of his homeland in Japan. Meanwhile, the Government placed under the "Benmusho" an old administrative system of the Qing dynasty, the Chief of streets/villages order, as an auxiliary apparatus for the local administration. This paper analyzes the situation of the "Benmusho" of Taipei prefecture in the latter half of 1897 from the viewpoint of Hashiguchi Bunzo through the examination of his diary and points out the problems that existed in the colonial administration. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the knowledge and personal experience of an official in the Meiji period, in this case of Hashiguchi Bunzo in colonial Taiwan.


《台湾総督府職員録》(明治 30 年)。
《台湾總督府公文類纂》,142 冊-16,1897 年 10 月 27 日。
《台湾総督府公文類纂》,262 冊‐37。
