  • 期刊


Studies on Injurious Effects of Sulfur Dioxide on Cymbidium, Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis


東亞蘭受二氧化硫的危害最為嚴重,其次依序為石斛蘭、蝴蝶蘭。東亞蘭在20 ppm二小時、石斛蘭與蝴蝶蘭在60 ppm二小時下開始受害。危害的外視徵象是水浸狀兩面位的細胞崩潰或(和)黃化,繼而呈褐色並凋萎呈白色薄膜狀;內部危害是原生質向中央集中,致使細胞喪失原形而崩潰。東亞蘭在葉肉組織發生嚴重的細胞崩潰,石斛蘭、蝴蝶蘭則在近上表皮之組織受害較重。三者皆由葉尖開始受害。氣孔和明暗呈二十四小時節奏性地開閉,在開始照光後四到八小時的氣孔開啟比例遠於最高;同時石斛蘭上表皮無氣孔存在。綜合氣孔開閉和內部危害情形而推測二氧化硫之危害主要由表皮滲入。高濃度且具有危害的二氧化硫下,呼吸量較未通氣者少;反之,在低濃度且無危害的濃度下,則促進。




Sulfur dioxide has different injuries to the leaves of orchids, and the effect is varied with the species. The order of plant injuries to SO is expressed as following: Cymbidium > Dendrobium > Phataenopsis. Damage of orchids can be seen when Cymbidium is fumigated with 20 ppm of SO2, and Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium with 60 ppm. As the plants absorbed enough gas or more, the tip area of the leaves appears to be dull soak-water shape initially, necrosis and/or chlorosis laterlly, and drying and bleaching to an ivory color finally. The tissue was plasmolyzed initially, and changed in structure integrity. The necrosis phenomenon was found in the mesophyll of cymbidium, and more injurious near upper epidermis in Dendrobium as well as near leaf tip in Phalaenopsis. They have 24 hours rhythm in stomata opening which depended of light-dark period. When orchid plant s are exposed to light for 4 to 8 hours, the width and number of stomata opening reached at maximum. At that time, fumigation was started. From the observation, visible damage increased with duration and the number of stomata opening, also increased after the fumigation of SO2 concentration on orchids. None stomata was found in the upper epidermis of Dendrobium, but severe injury occured of this part. These results support the hypothesis that SO2 penetrates through epidermis. When plants were exposed to SO2 at concentration as low as 20-60 ppm, no visible injury was found but the oxygen exchange in leaves was higher than that of untreated one.


