  • 期刊

臺灣省淡水紅樹林沼澤區網紋招潮蟹(Uca arcuata De Haan, 1835)族群的調查

Annual Estimated Densities of Uca arcuata (De Haan, 1835) on Tan-shui Mangrove Swamp at Taiwan


臺灣省淡水紅樹林沼澤區網紋招潮蟹(Uca arcuata De Haan, 1835)是一優勢種的蟹類,分佈於區內潮濕而排水良好之空曠處。其生殖期始於四月中、下旬,於五月間釋出幼虫,八月底起在其棲地即可見小型網紋招湖蟹(背甲寬為0.5~0.8公分),並在族群中佔半數以上,次年四、五月間已長成中型蟹(背甲寬為1.0~2.0公分),體呈灰藍色並有花紋,至次年成熱而進行繁殖。在設定樣區內經三年之連續調查其全年平均的密度因棲地的不同,為24.9 ± 8.7隻/m^2至38.8 ± 13.5隻/m^2,本報告對影響網紋招潮蟹全年中族群變化的因素有所討論。


The fiddler crab, Uca arcuata (De Haan, 1835) is a dominant species on the Tan-shui mangrove swamp. Its habitat is found at most open area wherever is well drained muddy substratum. Female U. arcuata (carapace width of 2.0-2.5cm) was found egg-bearing in. mid April. Young crabs with carapace width of 0.5-0.8cm were found on sampling areas and other habitats in late August. At this time young crabs contributed more than 50 % of U. arcuata population. Young crabs became medium size crabs with gray-purple carapace (1.0 - 2.0cm) in April to May of next year. The annual estimated densities of U. arcuata at two sampling sites after at least one year of survey, were 24 ± 8.7 crabs/m^2 to 38.3 ± 3.5 crabs/m^2. Factor(s) which may affect the accuracy of the estimation of densities of U. arcuata is discussed.


mangrove swamp Uca arcuata density soil substratum


