  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Central Nerve System of the Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)


本實驗利用甲苯胺藍染色法(Toludine B1ue Method; TBM)和鈷離子染色法(Cobalt Chloride Method; CCM)的不同特性,初步探討美洲蟑螂 Periplaneta americana胸部神經節中,支配腳部運動有關之神經細胞體的大小,位置及在各胸部神經節中所占的數量比。結果得知各胸部神經節中的細胞體,分佈情形為兩側對稱,位置則多偏於各神經節腹面和腹側面的表層,背面及腹內面的表層則很少。前胸、中胸和後胸神經節的神經細胞體各約有1000-1200、1300-1500、1800-2500個:其中與支配腳部運動有關之神經細胞體,直徑大於20μm者,僅各占4%、3.5%、2.5%。


The somata of the neurons to innervate the movement of the cockroach Periplaneta americana have been investigated preliminarily, The distribution、the location, the size and the total number of these neurons were measured by Toludine Blue Method (TBM) and Cobalt Chloride Method (CCM). Results showed that the somata are bilaterally, symmetrically distributed within the three thoracic ganglia and located mainly in the ventral cortex and ventro-lateral cortex of each ganglion, much less in the dorsal cortex and ventro-medial cortex. The total number of the somata within the prothoralic、the mesothoracic and the metathoracic ganglia are 1000-1200, 1300-1500, 1800-2500, respectively. However, those somata, larger than 20μm in diameter of the neurons to control the insect movement are only 4%, 3.5%,2.5% of the total number in each thoracic ganglion respectively.
