  • 期刊


The Reproductive Behavior of Emerald Green Tree Frog (Rhacophorus smaragdinus)


從民國79年9月至81年4月在翡翠水庫附近研究翡翠樹蛙(Rhacophorus smaragdinus)的生殖行為。結果顯示,翡翠樹蛙有明顯的雌雄異型,雌蛙SVLX=72.0 mm,雄蛙SVL X=56.4 mm。翡翠樹蛙是長時間生殖(prolong breeder)的蛙類,9-11月及3月為生殖高峰,生殖活動受雨量和溫度影響。雄蛙在池中平均累積停留天數為6.23天,雌蛙僅在產卵當天出現,每夜生殖活動的雌雄性比(OSR)偏向雄性。雄蛙會重覆遷出及遷入生殖場所。 雄蛙叫聲可分為宣告叫聲、求偶叫聲、遭遇叫聲、釋放叫聲及壓迫叫聲等五種。雌蛙受雄蛙叫聲吸引而主動接近雄蛙形成配對,雌蛙對於雄蛙具有選擇性。配對形成後由雌蛙選擇產卵場所。雌蛙在產卵前或產卵中會有吸水行為,大多在晴天發生。泡沫卵塊主要由雌蛙以後肢踢打形成,產卵所需時間在2-5小時,配對至產卵結束的時間大多在4小時以上。卵數平均為419顆。雄蛙可交配多次,雌蛙可多次產卵,交配系統屬雜交(promiscuity)方式。雄蛙的交配成功次數與其在池中累積停留天數有顯著相關,體長較大的雄蛙獲得交配成功的機會較高。雌雄蛙配對並無體型相配的情形。 產卵位置離水高低與雌蛙產卵當天的天氣狀況有關。卵塊孵化失敗率高,主要原因為遭蠅類寄生、乾死及被雨水打落水中。


翡翠樹蛙 樹蛙科 生殖行為


The reproductive behavior of emerald green tree frog (Rhacophorus smaragdinus) were studied at Tatung Shan Area near Feitsui Dam in northern Taiwan from September, 1990 to April, 1992. One hundred and forty-four days were spent in field. Frogs were marked by toe-clipping and waist-band marking method. The sexual dimorphism of Rhacophorus smaragdinus was obvious. On the average, females were larger than males (SVL X=72.0 mm vs. X=56.4 mm). It was a prolonged breeder. Results indicated that it breeded all the year round. It seems that the reproductive peaks falled on September, October, November and March. The breeding activity was affected both by the rainfall and temperature. Most males stayed in breeding pond several days (X=6.23 days) and all females appeared only one night when they were ready to lay eggs. The operational sex ratio (OSR) in the pond was skewed toward males every night. Males repeatedly used the breeding pond. The calls of male may separate into advertisement, courtship, encounter, release and distress calls. Females were attracted by males' calls and touched the mate actively. Both the mate and laying site were determined by females. There was a water-absorbing behavior before or between laying eggs in the sunny days. Foamy egg mass was completed only by female using hindlegs. The egg deposite time was last about two to five hours. The time from amplexus to finish foamy egg mass was mostly more than four hours. The mean clutch size was 419. Males mated several times. Multiple clutches were found in females. The mating system was promiscuity. There was a significant correlation between the male mating success and the number of days that males stayed in breeding pond. The larger males had high mating success. There was no size assortative mating in amplexus. The heights of deposite sites depended on the weather condition. The mortality of egg masses was high because of being parasitized by dipterous fly, dryout and fallen into water due to heavy rain.


莊鎮碩(1999)。諸羅樹蛙(Rhacoporus arvalis)生殖行為之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2603200719095722
