  • 期刊


Regulatory Effect of Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang, a Chinese Medicine, on the Immunoglobulin A Secretion by Human B Lymphocytes


四君子湯主要以口服湯劑的方式服用,故消化道之黏膜免疫系統為最先受到藥物刺激的部位。本研究以A型免疫球蛋白(IgA)分泌為指標,在離体狀態下測試四君子湯及其單方對黏膜免疫系統的影響。實驗結果顯示四君子湯在含有B淋巴球、T淋巴球及單核球等細胞之人類周邊血液單核細胞培養中,可促使活細胞增加IgA之分泌,此促進功能與四君子湯中的茯苓有關。但是四君子湯對人類扁桃腺分離出來的單核細胞則有顯著之胞殺作用,IgA之分泌量也隨之減少,此胞殺作用與四君子湯中黨參及茯苓有關。四君子湯對分泌IgA之Dakiki B淋巴球細胞株,有顯著之胞殺作用,但卻明顯的促進IgA之分泌,此促進作用可能與茯苓有關。總之,在沒有T淋巴球及單核球輔助之下,B淋巴球之存活率對四君子湯及其單方很敏感,但是在T淋巴球及單核球存在下,四君子湯對IgA之分泌具有促進作用,由Dakiki細胞株的實驗結果顯示,此促進作用可能來自藥物對B淋巴球的直接刺激所致。


Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang is mainly administerred by oral. Therefore, the mucosal immune system on the gastrointestinal tract should be the major area that is directly stimulated by the drug. Since the Immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion was considerred as a indicator of the mucosal immune function, the experimental design in this study is to investigate the possible regulatory effect of Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang and its major ingradients on the IgA secretion by human B lymphocytes. Results indicated that Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang might enhanced IgA secretion by unfractionated human peripheral B lymphocytes. However, the same treatment resulted in a drastic cytotoxicity to the unfractionated human tonsil B lymphocytes togather with a significant decrease in the amount of IgA secretion. When the unfractionated B lymphocytes were replaced by the highly purified B lymphocytes, the drug treatment also resulted in cytotoxicity and a significant reduction in IgA secretion. An IgA secreting human lymphoblastoid cell line, Dakiki, was subsequently assayed for its sensitivity to the drug. Results suggested that the drug caused a significant cytotoxicity but an increase in IgA secretion. The study therefore concluded that Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang showed cytotoxic effect to the B lymphocytes in the absense of T lymphocytes and monocytes. However, with the help of T lymphocytes and monocytes, the drug might augment IgA secretion by B lymphocytes without showing cytotoxic effect. In addition, the drug showed cytotoxic effect on the transformed B lymphoblasts but enhanced IgA secretion by the same cell lines.


Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang Immunoglobulin A


