  • 期刊


Studies on Morphology and Taxonomy of Saprolegniaceae in Taiwan


從臺灣地區採集的土壤和水樣,以餌釣法(baiting method),利用亞麻種子和蛇皮做為餌物進行水生菌的分離,經玻璃環法(glass ring method)和1/4愛默遜培養基(1/4 Emerson's YpSs Agar)加以純培養,並依據Coker(1923)、Johnson(1956)、Sparrow 1960)、Scott(1960)、Seymour(1970)及Dick(1973)之分類檢索表及相關文獻(Forbes, 1934; Cutter, 1941; Howard et al., 1970; Volz et al.,1974;Chiou & Chang, 1975,1976;Chien,1980;Chowdhery & Rai,1980;Paul,1983)予以鑑定。鑑定結果共得六屬十七種。分別為綿黴屬(Achlya)七種:迪巴利綿黴(A. debaryana)、擬綿黴(A. dubia)、鞭毛綿黴(A. flagellata)、異絲綿黴(A. klebsiana)、歐利安綿黴(A. orion)、水稻根腐敗菌(A. prolifera)、彎曲綿黴(A. recurva);絲囊黴屬(Aphanomyces)二種:擬螺卷絲囊黴(A. helicoides)、星絲囊黴(A. stellatus);囊解水黴屬(Brevilegnia)一種:次中心囊解水黴(B. subcentrica);網囊黴屬(Dictyuchus)一種:不孕網囊黴(D. sterile);水生菌屬(Saprolegnia)五種:異絲水生菌(S. diclina)、水黴(S. ferax)、岸生水生菌(S. litoralis)、地下水生菌(S. subterranea)、土生水生菌(S. terrestris);破囊黴屬(Thraustotheca)一種:棍棒破囊黴(T. clavata)。其中,歐利安綿黴(Achlya orion)、岸生水生菌(Saprolegnia litoralis)和地下水生菌(S. subterranea)為臺灣新記錄種。


Water molds were isolated from the mud and water samples collected in Taiwan by using hemp-seed and snake skin as bait, were purified through glass ring method, 1/4 Emerson's YpSs Agar medium, and then were identified according to keys: Coker (1923)、Johnson (1956)、Sparrow (1960)、Scott (1960)、Seymour (1970)、Dick (1973) and related references (Forbes, 1934; Cutter, 1941; Howard et al., 1970; Volz et at., 1974; Chiou & Chang, 1975, 1976; Chien, 1980; Chowdhery & Rai, 1980; Paul, 1983).Totally, six genera and seventeen species were successfully examined and identified namely: seven species of Achlya: A. debaryana、A. dubia、A. flagellata、A. klebsiana、A. orion、A. prolifera、A. recurva; two species of Aphanomyces: A. helicoides、A. stellatus; one species of Brevilegntia: B. subcentrica; one species of Dictyuchus; D. sterile; five species of Saprolegnia: S. diclina、S. ferax、S. litoralis、S. subterranea、S. terrestris; one species of Thraustotheca: T. clavata. Among them, Achlya orion、Saprolegnia litoralis and S. subterranea are described as new records to Taiwan.


Baiting method Chromista Oomycetes Saprolegniaceae Taiwan
