  • 期刊

台灣石魚賓(Acrossocheilus paradoxus)之族群遺傳結構

The Population Genetic Structure of Acrossocheilus paradoxus (Cyprinidae)


本研究係利用粒線體DNA控制區域探討台灣石魚賓之族群遺傳結構。共檢測台灣三大地理區中十一條主要河川採取樣本,11個族群42個個體,結果顯示十一條河川的族群及個體問分子序列有相當之差異,且族群間(Φst = 0.5680)及地理區間(Φct = 0.4110)已有顯著的遺傳分化。族群問之核苷酸歧異度(0.0112)及序列單型歧異度(0.97)均高。族群間的基因交流值(Nm)由0.28到40.00,基因交流值和地理距離主現負相關(即isolation by distance)。由MEGA重建之族群樹型圖(neighbor joining tree)得知,台灣石魚賓族群在地理區階級具分化現象,可分為:北部、東北部(蘭陽溪、北勢溪、景美溪及內雙溪)一群;中部(頭前溪、後龍溪、大甲溪及濁水溪)一群;南部(曾文溪、高屏溪及東港溪)一群。經minimum spanning network分析發現,濁水溪族群可能擁有台灣石魚賓較為古老的基因型,台灣石魚賓的遷徙路徑可能由中部地理區分別進入北部及南部。


Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences were used to assess the genetic structure of Acrossocheilus paradoxus populations. An hierarchical examination of populations in 11 major streams from three geographical regions using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated high genetic differentiation both among populations (Φst =0.5680) and among regions (Φct =0.4110). Limited migration largely contributed to the genetic differentiation. High nucleotide diversity (0.0112) and haplotype diversity (0.97) were detected among population. The degree of gene flow was correlated with geographical distance between populations, a result consistent with limited dispersal being the primary determinant of genetic differentiation between populations. A Neighbor-Joining tree recovered by MEGA supported the pattern of isolation by distance and revealed a closer relationship between populations of central and south regions. A minimum spanning network based on nucleotide substitutions re f1ected migration routes from populations of central region to the north and south regions respectively


