  • 期刊


Intimacy in Anthony Giddens' High Modernity


現代性社會擁有許多進步的科技,顛覆了傳統社會生活形態,自十八世紀工業革命後,不論在經濟、政治、文化皆有重大的改變。工業主義的興盛,帶動資本主義的潮流;科技的進展,迎來了全球化的時代。然而現代人生活在繁華的都市中,除了生活便利外,人際之間的信任及情感卻受到了相當的考驗。除了不婚族、生育率下降外,婚姻關係、交友以及感情問題都在現代化的社會中面臨新的形態。本文藉由英國學者紀登斯(Anthony Giddens, 1938-)所分析之高度現代性輪廓為背景,輔以虛無主義、存在主義的精神,跟隨後現代論述的思緒,解析並探討高度現代性社會中親密關係轉變的關鍵因素。


In modern society, the rapidly developing technologies have dramatically changed our traditional way of life. Since the Industrial Revolution in 18th century, significant impacts began to take place in modern economy, politics and culture. The flourishing of Industrialism propels the trend of Capitalism while technology development promotes globalization. However, new technologies come with a price. Modern citizens now face challenges on trust and relationships. Bachelorism, decreasing birth rate, friendship and marriage hardship, and other problems regarding interaction between individuals are now appearing in a new form of predicament. This thesis intend to use the contours of high modernity defined by Anthony Giddens(1938- ), the essences of Nihilism, Existentialism, and Postmodernism to analyze the key factors of the transformation of intimacy.
