  • 期刊


Study on "Modern Weekly" (1945-1946) and Postwar KMT "Implanting-China" Policy as Reflected Therein


台灣雜誌出版事業的興起,僅僅不過是百餘年來的事,但隨著社會經濟結構的轉變,以及配合統治階級的宣傳政策,報章雜誌的發行遂逐漸普及開來,成為公共領域建構的重要媒介,深刻地影響著公共領域的形成。戰後初期,台灣的雜誌文化,呈現出有別於日治時代蓬勃發展的局面,在文化人無所顧忌的臧否時局下,雜誌內容出現大量的政論文章,這是時代精神的展現,同時也顯示出雜誌作為公共論述的特質。而此期雜誌文化的另一特色,是外省族群的加入,彼輩不僅要面對眾多左翼雜誌論述的挑戰,更要背負為統治者宣傳政令之任務,因此也積極的搶攻出版市場。而在當時為數不算多的右翼雜誌中,吳克剛主編的《現代週刊》算是頗具代表性,原因除該刊發行較久,內容較豐富外;主因還是該刊的言論主旨,頗能代表國府當時對台灣的「再中國化」政策。戰後初期,國府以台灣被日本殖民 50 年,台灣人無論就思想觀念、行為舉止、社會文化等方面,均有著深深濃厚的東洋日本風。為徹底清除台灣人的「日本化」,光復之初,國府當局即以如何使台灣「再中國化」為當務之急,而輿論的鼓吹與教育是最快速之捷徑,是以由國府官方機構所發行之《現代週刊》,其內容以「再中國化」為主要論述重點,即不言而喻可想而知了。雜誌期刊本該是一種多面向的報導與介紹,內容橫跨政治、經濟、社會與文化等領域,《現代週刊》雖是親官方的雜誌,但在內容取向上,卻較符合一份獨立雜誌應有的立場,這是值得肯定之處,此或許與其撰述者的學術背景有關。也因如此,選擇《現代週刊》為研究議題,就顯得有其意義和重要性;一則可以探討當時中國知識份子對國府「再中國化」政策的理念為何?再則亦可窺見其論述之盲點為何?及台灣人之所以無法接受之因。


The early postwar period, Taiwan cultural of magazine, showing different from the Japanese colonial era, the magazine contents of a large number of political article, which is to show the spirit of the times, while also shows the characteristics of the magazine as a public discourse. In the time, Wu Ke-gang editor of "Modern Weekly" can be used for right-wing magazine representative, because the journal issue longer and content rich in addition, the main cause of the journal on behalf of the National Government at that time to control Taiwan "Implanting- China" policy. The early postwar period, the National Government was the colonial in Taiwan for 50 years in Japan, Taiwanese both in terms of ideas, behavior, social and cultural aspects has a deep influence of Japan. So early postwar the National Government that is how to make the Taiwan rapid "Implanting- China", public advocacy and education is the fastest way, by a official to publish "Modern Weekly", the contents of "Implanting- China" as the main focus of discussion. The magazines are reporting that with the introduction of a multi-faceted content includes political, economic, social and cultural, "Modern Weekly" Although the pro-official magazine, but in the content-oriented, To compare in accordance with a independence magazine standpoint, this is to be worth definite positive, "Modern Weekly" as the research topic, it appears to have its meaning and importance; First explore the Chinese intellectuals at that time the idea of National Government "Implanting-China Policy" Second to understand where the policy blind spot? And Taiwanese can not accept the reasons why.


台灣省行政長官公署秘書處編輯室編,《廣播詞輯要:34 年》(台北:台灣省行政長官公署秘書處編輯室,1946 年)
臺灣省行政長官公署編印,《臺灣省參議會第一屆第一次大會—臺灣省行政長官公署施政報告》(台北:臺灣省行政長官公署,1946 年)
臺灣省行政長官公署編印,《臺灣省參議會第一屆第二次大會—臺灣省行政長官公署施政報告》(台北:臺灣省行政長官公署,1946 年)
