  • 期刊


Analyzing the Predicament of the Executive Yuan from the Proposal and Discussion Process of the Draft of Cross-Strait Agreements Supervisory Act




This article is to review the proposal and discussion process of the draft of Cross-Strait Agreements and Supervisory Act and analyze the problem about the predicament what the Executive Yuan will meet with the draft under the party and government relations framework of semi-presidentialism system. It could be found that the main reasons of this problem include the low poll result about Presidential prestige, no proposal action by the Executive Yuan, the considerations that cross-strait issue is not priority and unwillingness to propose for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) congressional caucus. It could be specified even more that this article is to think the Executive Yuan is not the entire leading role of lawmaking process. And the Executive Yuan is still influenced by the factors of Presidential prestige, no proposal action by themselves and legislators' self-legislation. As such it meets predicament on the process of lawmaking.


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