  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Application of Psychophysical Acting in Albert Camus's Le Malentendu to Students' Performing Training




In this research, the performance method of Psychophysical Acting is based on the Stanislavsky's system, Grotowski's method, Phillip Zarrilli's Psychophysical Acting and the author's performance background. The paper explores the performance training of Psychophysical Acting illustrated in Albert Camus's "Le Malentendu" as a teaching project. In the motivation part, the author states why she uses this training to work with performers, and then briefly introduces the Stanislavsky's system, Grotowski's method, Zarrilli's Psychophysical Acting, and modern dance of Martha Graham's techniques. Furthermore, it discusses the process and results of the play and dance of Albert Camus's three-act play "Le Malentendu" using the performance method of Psychophysical Acting. Finally, the author examines the impact of this acting training on young performance.


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