  • 期刊


Parallel Learning of Gifted Children and Teachers through Cross-schools Activities


跨校性的交流活動,對資優兒童的學習及教師專業成長有深刻的意義。本文分享一個跨校性的資優教師成長團體,以問題本位學習(Problem-based Learning, PBL)為課程思維,共同討論並開發課程。團隊教師在各自的學校實踐課程,但師生間不同層次的校內外「交流」型態,創造了心智轉化的空間,也讓學習開展在多面向的互動裡。首先,我們描述團隊教師的課程合作促發了資優兒童的跨校交流活動;接著,彙整數年課程實踐中,跨校交流活動的型態,及其媒介的學習面向,並進一步以「運動」這個課程,深入的呈現交流活動是如何影響學習的縱深;同時,我們也分析規劃交流活動的課程慎思歷程時,所帶來的教師專業成長;最後,從「跨越」、「互動」、「轉化」這三個層次,再思交流活動對資優兒童學習的啟發。


The experience of cross-schools activities is meaningful for gifted children's learning and teachers' professional development. A cross-schools teacher team worked together and designed curricula for gifted children based on the philosophy of Problem-based Learning (PBL). The team teachers implemented curricula separately, while interaction of teachers and gifted children took place within/cross school s. In light of the concept of mutual learning communities, we first described how team teachers designed PBL curricula and then provided cross-schools activities collaboratively. Second, the types of cross-school activities were analyzed and presented. We took the "Sports" project as an example to reveal in what ways cross-schools activities mediated gifted children's learning. The team teachers' professional development by curriculum deliberation for cross-schools activities was also presented. Finally, we reflected the implementation of cross-schools activities in order to clarify their meaning for gifted children's learning.


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