  • 期刊


How to nurture talented students into full-blown physicists?


本文介紹臺大物理系暨天文物理所,以及梁次震宇宙學與粒子天文物理學研究中心主任陳丕燊教授在2019年國際資優才能發展與卓越表現研究學會雙年會(The 2019 Biennial Conference of the International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence)的一場富含教育意義之專題演講:「如何培育資賦優異的學生成為高水準的物理學家-以一位宇宙學家的觀點」。陳丕燊教授從著名的物理學家愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)、霍京(Stephen Hawking)以及自身的經驗,生動幽默、謙虛誠懇的介紹培育資賦優異學生的重要教育原則,令與會第一線推展資賦優異教育的聽眾,在享受與感動的過程中,獲得寶貴且深具啟發的物理實務研究經驗,以及培育資賦優異學生的態度、方法與歷程。


This article introduces Professor Pisin Chen's keynote speech at the IRATDE conference: "How to nurture talented students into full-blown physicists? A cosmologist's perspective". Professor Pisin Chen teaches at Department of Physics and Graduate Institute of Astrophysics, National Taiwan University. He is also the director of Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University. Professor Chen, in a humorous, modest and sincere manner, introduced the important educational principles of cultivating outstanding students through the famous physicists Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and his own experience. All participants learned valuable lessons from Prof. Chen's inspiring talk about the ways to do physics research, and how to cultivate outstanding students with open-mind.


臺大理論中心陳丕燊教授專訪。2005 年8 月 9 日 。 取自https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGFxcqxnv7I。
「 與時空行者徜徉宇宙 」 科普講座 。 2019 科技部主題科學日 。 2019 年 3 25 取 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z ZbP31Qpj10
臺大校史漫談部落格。2019年 3月 25日。取自 http://ntuhisgal.blogspot.com/
