  • 期刊


Trends in the Medication Treatment and Prevention of Acute Ischemic Stroke




Many researchers in different countries devote themselves to the treatment and prevention of acute ischemic stroke. Moreover, the goal of current treatment consensus in the initial phase of acute ischemic stroke is to restore blood perfusion of brain tissues. Furthermore, in order to prevent relapse of acute ischemic stroke, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are main strategies for long term management. There are many literature and research discussions concerning the current trend of ischemic stroke treatment, including new generation of thrombolytic agents, anticoagulant agent, and the vascular intervention. It is necessary for health care professionals to be familiar with the treatment trend regarding acute ischemic stroke in order to take care of the patients. In this article, we discuss the current tendencies in treatment of acute ischemic stroke which include the timing of thrombolytic agents' administration, use of medication or invasive method in prevention of relapse, and comparison of efficacy, risk and safety in related research. Through the discussion, it is able to offer as references for clinical treatment in the future.


