  • 期刊


The Study on the Relevance between Quality Evaluation and the Healthcare Cyber Promotion among Taiwan Excellent Hospitals


台灣面臨老齡化 (Aging and Aged) 社會衝擊,影響社會結構並牽動經濟發展脈動;而慢性病是老齡化社會普遍性問題,尤其以糖尿病高居十大死因前四名,為此每年花費在糖尿病費用約佔總醫療支出八分之一,其中75%以上是用來支付糖尿病併發症,政府醫療相關單位及各級醫院均應重視並廣為宣導糖尿病防治、治療與保健相關衛生教育。台灣針對醫院實施定期評鑑以確保醫療品質,在評鑑基準及評量項目中,規定醫院應有「配合國家衛生政策及其他相關政策之情形」及「積極參與社區健康營造」責任;為迎接網路族群世代來臨,與為早期建立正確糖尿病防治保健觀念,因此本文蒐集指標教學及大型醫院衛生教育糖尿病相關網頁資訊,並加以分析探討其推廣力度,進而指出衛生教育推廣有助於在健保總額制下醫院發展策略,探索從建立衛生教育網路平台延伸擴展潛在商機之可行性,提出具體作法與建議,達成形成人本醫療整體服務網路,強化疾病預防機制之終極目標。


Taiwan is facing the impacts of an aging and aged society; this affects the social structure and the economic development change. Effectively dealing with the chronic diseases, a collateral burden of aging society has already become a global problem. Especially, the diabetes has been the fourth significant on top of the ten major death-causing factors in Taiwan. The government has spent one eighth of the total health expenditure on the improvement of the diabetic conditions; and 75% of this spending had been used to cover the cost of diabetic related complications. Therefore, the government health administrations and the hospitals should work together closely and focus more on the diabetic related health promotion including prevention, treatments, and the related health improvement educations. The Taiwan health administration annually conducts the official evaluations against the hospitals in many aspects to ensure the medical care quality. Among the assessment items of the evaluation, it is clearly stated that the hospitals have the responsibility mandatorily to comply with and to facilitate the execution of the health policies from the administration, and proactively to participate and to initiate the health improvement in communities. For this, the paper collected and analyzed the information of health promotion and diabetic related from the websites of distinguished health institutions including the medical centers and the veteran hospitals. This paper discloses the devotion and the focuses of health promotion of these institutions and implies the strategy and the direction of hospital business development. With the tangible approaches suggested by this paper, the medical institutes can be beneficial from the innovative health promotion practices under Taiwan health insurance system, and build a human-eccentric health care service network which is providing a way that the patients and their families can conveniently facilitate the self-managed healthcare activities, consequently strengthens the current disease prevention mechanism.
