  • 期刊


Creating A Health Promotion Culture in the Workplace: Experience of Chiayi Christian Hospital


根據員工健檢後的肥胖問題,以『預防醫學』作為規劃員工健康促進方案之基礎,舉辦『員工身體健康促進』相關活動,活動設計包含全院性、部門性及個別性之健促活動,期能達到員工參與健促活動的普及化、可及化、及平常化之三化目標,最終能將健康促進生活化,並讓健促活動成為醫院職場文化,達到健康醫院目標。方案執行前,收集參加者的前測資料,建立各項健康指標基線,包括體重、腰圍、身體質量指數(BMI),活動執行自2015年4月20日至6月30日止,2個月後進行後測,以比較員工參與方案活動前後健康指標的變化情形。本次參加者共有467人,方案執行前後各項健康指標的改變分別為:平均體重減少0.61公斤,平均腰圍減少2.55公分,平均BMI減少0.17(公斤∕公尺^2),上述各項健康指標的差異均達統計顯著水準,p < 0.05。由於醫院臨床單位通常為輪班制,員工參與活動的機會常受到限制,因此,健走活動的規劃,採團隊、自主管理與彈性的設計原則,以降低員工參與活動的時空限制,並在團隊中的連結關係,提供同仁共同朝向減重目標的持續力,有助於員工運動習慣的養成。此外,團隊成員之間為了完成共同目標進而活化了單位內的工作氣氛,提升部門之間的凝聚力和員工工作的抗壓性,員工亦內化健康識能,有助於醫院健康促進文化的塑造。


The purpose of this study is to create a health promotion culture in hospital through conducting health promotion campaign based on employees obese problem derived from the annual health check-up results, and combined with the concepts of preventive medicine. The campaign activities design included three type of groups, hospital-wide, departmental, and personal. Aiming to reach the objectives of health promotion hospital, and create workplace culture, we promote health for all employees in terms of daily activities and high accessibility. Before the campaign, we collected participants' health data including weight, waistline, and body mass index (BMI) as the baseline. After two months, we collected participants' health data again as the post-test. We then compared the health data changes of each participant. There were 467 employees participated the campaign. In average, each participant had a weight loss of 0.61kg, waistline reduction of 2.55cm, and 0.17 of BMI decrease, all with p < 0.05. In order to overcome the restraints caused by the different working schedule of various department, we designed flexible campaign groups and self-managing rule as well as encouraging groups connecting relationships in achieving continuous weight loss objective. During the campaign process, the workplace culture has been created in terms of group health promotion activities, developing exercise habits. Furthermore, both the cohesion within department and employee's ability to resist stress has been increased.
