  • 會議論文


From Sustainable Refurbishment Point to Explore Carbon Footprint of the Building Structure Exterior Renovation


國際間於1997年12月通過的京都議定書和2009年12月達成的哥本哈根協定,都強調了減少溫室氣體排放和節能減碳的重要性。近年來諸多針對國家尺度的碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)探討,均佐證已開發的消費型大國,應以『永續消費』(sustainable consumption)做為減碳規劃之核心。目前國內建築物已逐步進入高齡化階段,建築物的整建與外牆更新(拉皮)需求亦與日俱增,建築物生命週期的維護階段碳足跡關聯因素很多,例如建材選用、施工方式與維護頻率,營運維護對碳足跡之影響性值得進一步研究與探討。因此,本研究針對外牆常見的四種更新建材(二丁掛磁磚/2.5t鋁包板帷幕/花崗石石材/水泥漆塗料),比較四類建材之碳足跡排放量與成本效益,並透過文獻回顧、問卷調查訪談、案例調查分析及統計分析等方法,獲得到兩個主要之研究成果:(一)建材碳足跡永續成本評析模式(二)社區住戶對拉皮碳足跡成本態度差異。


In December 1997 and 2009, the international summit has passed the Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Accord respectively. Both agreements have emphasized on the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and importance of saving energy and carbon reduction. In recent years, there were various explorations that focused on national scales of carbon footprint. For the developed consumable-type countries, it evidently shown that these countries should apply ”sustainable consumption” as the core of their carbon reduction plan. Currently, the building structures of our nation have gradually reached into a high-age status. The requirement of refurbishment and façade renovation of building structures have increased progressively. The carbon footprint on maintenance stage of the building life-cycle has many relevant factors; such as building material selection, construction methods, and maintenance frequency. In this regard, the operation and maintenance toward the influences value of carbon footprint were acquired for further researches and explorations. Therefore, this research focused on four common façade renewal materials (Rectangular Tile/ 2.5t (2.5mm thick) Aluminum Curtain Wall/Granite Stone Material/Cement Coating Paint Material), and compared on their carbon footprint emission and cost benefit. Through methods of literature reviews, questionnaire survey, case analysis, and statistical analysis; this research has obtained two main results: 1, the sustainable cost analysis model for building material carbon footprint, 2, the attitude difference of residential community towards the cost of façade renovation.


