  • 會議論文


Discussion on the Sport development of Taiwan's female boxing


本研究目的為女子拳擊運動在我國從1999年發展至今, 在國內發展現況與在國際上我國女子拳擊運動之成績。本研究方法透過蒐集文獻,分為組織發展、教練、裁判、梯隊、競賽成績,五個面向進行臺灣女子拳擊運動之整體環境之分析。我國女子拳擊運動選手在國際上有相當突破之表現,本研究結果在組織發展方面發現有斷層現象,可透過期刊文獻方式刊載,減少斷層及銜接上之困難;在教練方面發現我國教練分為四種,教師兼教練、專任運動教練、兼任教師及外籍教練,在團隊中屬靈魂人物須不斷增進專業知識與技能;裁判方面呈現辦理實施不夠扎實, 缺少實習經驗, 資深裁判與資淺裁判缺少交流;競賽成績方面我國近年來女子拳擊成績逐漸成長,經過我國努力推動下已與世界接軌。


女子拳擊 運動發展


The purpose of this study is from 1999 Women's boxing development so far in our country, the current situation in the country and the results of the development of women's boxing in the world. The research method through collecting literature, into organizational development, analysis of the overall environment of Taiwan's female boxing coach, referee, team, race results, carried out for five. Our women's boxing athletes have quite a breakthrough performance in the international arena, this study found that there are faults in the area of organizational development phenomenon can be published through the journal literature way to reduce the difficulties of faults and convergence; discovery of the coach is divided into four terms in coach species, teacher and coach, full - time sports coach, part - time teachers and foreign coaches, is a soul in the team must continue to enhance the professional knowledge and skills; referees showing solid enough to handle the implementation, lack internship experience junior senior judge and referee lack of communication; competition accomplishments achievement of women's boxing has grown in recent years, has been under our efforts to promote convergence with the world.


women’s boxing Sport development
