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Survey on Suitable Area for Cultivation of Sorghum


1984~1986年在台中地區調查高粱適栽情形,分設26處標準栽培觀察區及17處一般栽培調查區共設置43處,調查高粱子實產量及所屬土系,以研判適合栽培高粱地區與面檳。調查結果顯示高粱適栽地區台中縣分布於大甲鎮等17鄉鎮,面積15,735公頃;彰化縣分布於大城鄉等24鄉鎮,面積12,959公頃;南投縣分布於草屯鎮等5鄉鎮,面積2,109公頃;台中市分布於西屯等區,面積1,017公頃。不同地區間高粱子實產量以台中縣平均產量5,306 kg/ha最高,彰化縣4,687 kg/ha次之,南投縣4,434 kg/ha產量較低。不同期作間有相當大差異,春作高粱合計調查28處,平均產量4,485 kg/ha,秋作共調查15處,產量5,314 kg/ha,秋作較春作產量高18.5% (829 kg/ha)。標準栽培觀察區春作15處平均產量4,683 kg/ha,秋作11處產量5,486 kg/he,秋作產且較春作高17.1% (803 kg/ha)。一般栽培調查區春作13處平均產量4,256 kg/ha,秋作4處產量4,843 kg/ha,秋作較春作產且高13.8% (587 kg/ha)。標準栽培觀察區較一般栽培調查區春作增產10% (427 kg/ha),秋作增產13.3% (643 kg/ha)。台中地區三個縣市適栽地區包括5種土類,11個土壤管理組,41個土系,面積約31,820公頃,適合提供轉作高粱栽培。


高粱 適栽區 調查


In order to survey suitable area and acreage for cultivation of sorghum, soil classification and grain yield of sorghum (Taichung No.5) in 43 locations, including 26 demonstrating plots and 17 conventional plots were investigated from 1984 to 1986.It showed that 15,735 ha in Taichung Prefecture, 12,959 ha in Changhua Prefecture, 2,109 ha in Nantou Prefecture and 1,017 ha in Taichung city are suitable for cultivation of sorghum. Taichung Prefecture gave the highest grain yield of 5,306 kg/ha, Changhua Prefecture the second of 4,687 kg/ha and Nantou Prefecture the lowest yield of 4,434 kg/ha.The spring sorghum showed an average yield of 4,485 kg/ha of 28 locations, while the fall sorghum gave a yield of 5,314kg/ha of 15 locations, which was 18.5% higher than that of the spring. In the spring crop, the average yield of 15 demonstrating plots was 4,683 kg/ha, while the II plots in the fall averaged in 5,486 kg/ha, which was 17.1% higher than that of the spring.In the conventional plots, averaged yield of 13 plots in the spring was 4,256 kg/ha. Fall sorghum of 4 plots averaged in 4,843kg/ha, 13.8% higher than that of spring. The plots of demonstration also showed a 10% higher yield than the conventional plots. In Taichung area, 5 soil groups, II soil management classes and 41 soil series in total acreage of 31,820 ha were suitable for cultivation of sorghum.


sorghum suitable cultivation area survey
