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Population Fluctuation and Timing for Control of Sorghum Aphid on Variety Taichung 5


黍蚜(Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner))為高粱重要害蟲之一,常於高粱孕穗期至乳熟期大量發生,對於高粱之生育、產量及品質影響至鉅。根據台中五號高粱不同生育期黍蚜族群發生消長調查結果,春作第一次出現高峰之時期為播種後40~70天(孕穗期至乳熟期),秋作第一次出現高峰之時期為播種後60~100天,(抽穗期至採收期),五種不同藥劑防治黍蚜效果以25%加芬松可濕性粉劑800倍及40.64%加保扶水懸粉800倍之平均防治率分別為77.84%及75.36%表現較佳。加芬松及加保扶兩種藥劑不同施藥間隔及次數試驗結果,產量以於播種後40至80天每隔10天施藥一次共五次最高,比對照不施藥處理增加產量春作及秋作分別為21%及11%,但收益以於播種後50及80天各施藥一次者最高,比對照增加收益春作及秋作分別為11%及2%。綜合台中五號高粱不同生育期黍蚜族群發生消長調查及兩種藥劑不同施藥間隔及次數試驗效益評估結果,建議春作於播後50及80天,秋作於播種後60及90天,當黍蚜族群密度分別達平均每株70隻(春作)及115隻(秋作)左右時為防治適期。


Sorghum aphids (Melanaphis sacchari) is one of important insect pests of sorghum. They appeared usually in large numbers at booting stage to soft doughy stage, and greatly affected the growth, yield and quality of sorghum. Results of investigation on seasonal population fluctuation of sorghum aphids indicated that the population peak of spring crop appeared during the period from 40~70 days after sowing (booting stage to soft dough stage), while for the fall crop, it appeared during the period from 60 to 100 days (heading to harvesting stage). Chemicals evaluation for control of sorghum aphids indicated that 25% carbophenothion W. P. and 40.64% carbofuran W. P. provided the best efficiency. The experiment on timing of chemicals control showed that the treatment with five sprays at ten days intervals during 40~80 days after sowing had the highest grain yield, about 21% and 11% higher than that of non-control plot of the spring and fall crops, respectively. The treatment with two sprays at 50 and 80 days after sowing have the high net income, about 11% and 2% higher than that of spring and fall crops, respectively. According to the population fluctuation of sorghum aphids and the timing of application, it is suggested that the suitable timing for control of sorghum aphids is 50, 80 and 60, 90 days after sowing while the population density of aphids reach to 70 and 115 per plant for spring and fall crops, respectively.
