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Integrated Management of Pear Phylloxera Aphanostigma piri (Cholodkovsky) on Grafted Pear


梨瘤蚜(Aphanostigma piri Cholodkovsky)主要危害套袋內之梨果,引起果皮粗糙、褐化、裂果或腐爛,而果實經套袋後靠藥劑防治往往無濟於事,因此如何在果實套袋前採取有效防除措施,以減少其發生與危害,為首要工作。本研究針對上述防治需要,探討梨瘤蚜在高接梨之綜合防治技術,結果獲知於梨採果後之秋季至翌春(九月~翌年二月),全面施用80% Sulfur D. F. 400倍1~3次,對翌春梨瘤蚜之發生密度,可減少76.6~81.2%;於高接前將接穗浸於80% Sulfur D. F. 400倍液中二分鐘,對潛伏於接穗上梨瘤蚜與其卵可全部之殺滅;在接枝後於接穗基部環狀塗以凡士林或黃油可有效防止梨瘤蚜由枝幹往接穗處遷移;而套袋口先浸52% Sulfur F. 100倍液,對梨瘤蚜可達60%之防止效果。因此,建議應於秋冬季最少將梨樹全面施藥一次,並對接穗或套袋做浸藥處理,再於嫁接後在接穗基部用凡士林或黃油環狀塗抹,以減少梨樹上梨瘤蚜之蟲源及防止梨瘤蚜侵入果穗,可有效地減少套袋中梨果之被害。


高接梨 梨瘤蚜 綜合防治


Pear phylloxera, Aphanostigma piri (Cholodkovsky), injures pears wrapped by the protection bag and causes fruit cracking and rotting. Spraying insecticides with the bags already wrapped is usually ineffective. This work was carried out to investigate the proper measures which must be taken before fruit-bagging in order to effectively reduce the damage of this phylloxera. Full scale application of Sulfur 80% D. F. (400x dilution) 1 to 3 times between the harvest time in fall and next spring (September to February) reduced the pear phylloxera density by 76.6-81.2%. Dipping the scions in 80% Sulfur D. F. (200x and 400x) for 2 minutes could give 100% kill of the attached adults and eggs of pear phylloxera. Applying vaseline or some lubricating gel around the base of the grafts could prevent the phylloxera on the stocks to move in. In addition, dipping the open part of the bags in sulfur 52% F. (100x) could reduce 60% of the invasion of the pear phylloxera. Thus, the integrated management of the pear phylloxera involves: 1) spraying the pear trees at least once during fall/winter, 2) treating the grafts and bags, and 3) gel-applying around the graft base after grafting to cut off the invasion source. Full implementation of these measures could ensure proper control of pear phylloxera.


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