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A Study on the Relationship between Guava Tree Wilting and Waste Water from Preserved-Fruit Factories


為了解蜜餞食品工廠排放水對蕃石榴枯萎之影響,選擇一處疑似受此類工廠排放水危害之蕃石榴果園進行調查研究。試驗結果發現受損區內除EC及Na含量較對照區者為高外,其餘項目並無顯著差異而無法說明枯萎原因,因此初步顯示高EC及高Na含量與蕃石榴枯萎有關。由於影響農田土壤EC之重要因素之N含量,在對照區者大致較受損區者為高,此與受損區EC值高於對照區者相反,故應非施肥造成EC升高。再者,受損區土壤之Na含量約為對照區後段(40~50 m)之1.5~2.0倍;而此段之Na含量亦與附近未緊鄰該諸多蜜餞工廠排放水最後匯流之蕃石榴園土壤者無顯著差異,由此推論受損區之植株枯萎可能係因蜜餞食品工廠附近溝渠水滲入所造成。此可由溝渠水較地下井水含高量之Na及蜜餞工廠製程大量使用食鹽做為佐證,此外,試驗區植株葉片呈焦枯且其Na含量較鄰近未受損區之蕃石榴園者高出甚多,亦可說明植株枯萎可能受Na危害。


蕃石榴 枯萎 蜜餞


To know the factors caused the guava trees wilting, a study was proceed at a guava orchard where was similarly impacted by the waste water from those nearby preserved-fruit factories.The result showed that there were no significant difference in all analyzed items except EC and Na content which were higher in affected area than that of in control area. Higher EC and Na content might related to the guava tree's wilting according to the result. The N content was reported as an important factor to soil EC. However, the N content of control area was higher than that of affected area that indicated that higher EC in affected area would not be caused by fertilizer application; furthermore, the Na content of affected area was 1.5-2.0 times higher than that of the farther subplot (40-50 m) in the control area whose N content was similar to that of the nearby guava orchard where wasn't adjacent to the ditch. Therefore, the wilting of guava trees might be caused by the high Na content of the soil affected by the water permeated from the ditch. The fact that the ditch water had higher Na content than that of deep well water in similar site and the substantial use of NaCl in the preserved-fruit factories' manufacturing processes could also coincide with the investigation. Otherwise, the symptom of wilting leaves and its unusual high Na content of the guava plant at the experimental plot also showed that the guava trees were injured by the high Na content of waste water drained from the nearby preserved-fruit factories.


guava tree wilting preserved-fruit
