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Studies on the Quality of Glutinous Rice-I. Identification of Glutinous Rice and Non-glutinous Rice in Moisture Condition


為解決以濕谷形式收購糯稻時,能快速檢定糯稻純度之問題,於1994年在台中區農業改良場進行試驗,探討區分糯稻與非糯稻之方法,期做為農會收購糯稻時,檢定純度之參考。其試驗結果為,濕谷狀態下,糯稻之未糯化粒與非糯稻無法由糙米外觀加以區分,雖可由胚乳之碘液反應分辨糯稻(呈褐色)與非糯稻(呈深紫黑色),但需用小刀將穀粒橫切,操作不方便故較費工費時,不適合在收購現場使用。而用45℃恒溫乾燥到水分含量為14%時,糯稻之糙米呈不透明狀,非糯稻之糙米則較清晰透明,兩者極易辨別,但乾燥需較長之時間(17 hr以上)。濕谷若以微波爐乾燥只須5分鐘,水分含量即可降到14%,然其糯稻之糙米,大部分未糯化,仍呈透明狀,無法與非糯稻區分,而濕谷乾燥到水分含量18%時,即可順利脫殼。故建議以濕谷收購時,先用微波爐快速乾燥3分鐘,讓水分含量降到18%以下,再以小型脫殼機去殼,並以小型碾白機碾成白米,再進行碘液反應,則糯稻呈褐色,非糯稻呈深紫黑色,即可清楚區分糯稻與非糯稻。


糯稻 品質 濕谷


The present experiment was conducted to discriminate glutinous rice and non-glutinous rice when glutinous rice was sold to Farmers' Association in the form of wet rice. The results of the experiments conducted in the first crop of 1994 are summarized as follows:Before drying, there was no difference in appearance of brown rice between non-opaque waxy kernels and non-glutinous rice. When rice grains cut into half were rinsed in the idoine solution, the endosperm of glutinous rice showed brown color but non-glutinous rice showed deep purple. However, the cutting process took more labor.When it took more than 17 hours to reduce the moisture content of rice to 14% with the temperature of 45℃, brown rice of non-glutinous rice showed the better translucency than that of glutinous rice which turned into opaque. But when it took about 5 minutes to reduce the moisture content of rice to 14% with microwave, we couldn't distinguish non-opaque waxy kernels from non-glutinous rice by translucency of brown rice both of which kept translucent. It suggested that after using microwave to reduce the moisture content of rice under 18% at which rice grains were hard enough, and using kett dehuller and kett milling machine to convert rough rice into milled rice, milled rice were rinsed in the idoine solution, then non-glutinous rice could be distinguished from glutinous rice, due to milled rice of glutinous rice showing brown color, but that of non-glutinous rice showing deep purple.


glutinous rice quality wet rice


