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Improving Postharvest Quality of Cut Carnation (Dianthus caryophllus L.) by Transport in Water or Preservative Solutions in Container


本試驗探討香石竹採後處理及利用立式容器含水運輸之方法,期提高香石竹切花瓶插壽命。以立式容器含水運輸與紙箱離水運輸一天後,含水運輸參試兩品種之切花重量增加約11.77%及11.4%,而紙箱包裝者減少重量4.17%及4.94%。瓶插後第2天~4天兩處理之切花重量均呈明顯增加之趨勢,但仍以含水運輸者較高,第5天以後重量逐漸減少。比較花朵開放級數,二處理間未有顯著差異。花朵萎凋不開放比率,兩品種均以紙箱包裝者較含水運輸者高,“尼爾森”(Dianthus Caryophllus L. ‘Nelson ’)品種二處理依序為52%及32%,“唐娜”(Dianthus Caryoph L. ‘Dona ’)品種為76%及24%。含水運輸較紙箱離水運輸,能減少萎凋不開放比率,且促進香石竹切花之正常開放。比較不同pH值之水質對香石竹切花之影響,兩品種在4種不同pH值水質(3.5、4.5、5、7)處理間,切花重量、切花開放級數及萎凋不開放率,未見有顯著差異。探討不同保鮮預措液對切花之影響,以含有乙烯抑制劑之AVB預措液處理後,可降低切花萎凋不開放比率,促進康乃馨切花之正常開放,與其他處理蔗糖(Sucrose)、硝酸銀(AgNO3)(殺菌劑及乙烯抑制)、N一二甲基琥珀酸Daminozide(B-9)、8-羥基煃?硫酸鹽8-Hydrory-quinoline Sulfate(8-HQS)比較有顯著之改善效果。


Postharvest quality of cut carnation by using wet transport and preservatives was evaluated. Cut flowers were transported in plastic containers (30×40×35 cm) with water (wet transport) or in cartons (dry transport). Fresh weight of cut flowers by wet transport increased 11.77 and 11.4% in two tested varieties, on the contrary, 4-5% fresh weight lost in one-day dry transport. In vase life observation, fresh weight increased at the 2nd-4th days, then decreased. The fresh weight of flowers by wet transport was still heavier than that by dry transport after 5 days in vase. There was no significant difference in flower opening between two transport methods. The percentage of inrolled flower were significantly lower by wet transport (24% and 32% for 'Dona' and 'Nelson') than that of the control (76% and 52%, respectively).There was no significant difference in fresh weight, flower opening and flower inrolling when vase water was adjusted to 4 pH levels, 3.5, 4.5, 5, 7 by citric acid. Five preservatives were tested to prolong vase life. Flowers treated by commercial preservatives AVB, which contains ethylene inhibitor, had better flower opening and lower inrolling percentage than that treated by 4 combinations of 8-HQS, B-9, sucrose and AgNO3.
