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Study on the Production and Marketing of Table Grape in Taiwan




葡萄 生產成本 收益 產銷


At present, the planted area for table grape in Taiwan is about 2,300 ha. Of such area, Kyoho grape area counts for 2,284 ha. For most of these planting areas, there are two harvesting seasons. For summer table grape, the harvesting season is from June to August and for winter table grape, the harvesting season is from November to February of the following year. Some farmers in Nantou County harvest table grape in autumn, i.e., in September and October, and some farmers harvest table grape with facilities in the early spring, i.e., March to May. Therefore, table grape can be produced through the whole year.Due to the fact that harvesting season for the table grape could be successfully regulated while the quality of product could be technically improved, since 1994, the planted area has been maintained between 2,100~2,300 ha and the price of product has been increased. In the near future, Taiwan will join to WTO and thus, table grape will open for importation. However, the varieties of newly imported table grape, i.e., those from Chili and Australia, are similar to those from USA ahd, unable to compete with Taiwan's table grape in terms of freshness, water holding capacity and consumers' taste. For Japan table grape, although its variety is similar to those of Taiwan's table grape, the high production cost made it less competitive with Taiwan's product.Thus, there are tooms for Honey-red grape to develop in table grape market in Taiwan, however, the requirement for cultivation technique is high as a consequence its variety characteristic. As for the Italian grape, only the areas of Tungshin and Shihkang in Taichung County are suitable for planting due to its special climate requirement. In addition, due to its fruit cracking property, the difficulty to control the pathogens, and high labor cost, it is difficult to enlarge the planted area. In the future, it is necessary to enhance the research and development of new variety for table grape. Less quantity but multiple varieties for table grape production should be considered for the replacement of part of the Kyoho variety.


