



梗稻 米質


In the first crop of 1999, a total of 141 newly nominated japonica rice lines were collected to test their grain quality. Among these 141 samples, 23 were selected from Taoyuan District Agricultural Improvement Station (DAIS), 14 from Taichung DAIS, 32 from Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station, 22 from Chiayi branch station, 16 from Kaohsiung DAIS, 13 from Taitung DAIS and 21 from Hualien DAIS. The results showed that there were differences in milling quality among those new lines. The coefficient of variation of head rice rate was larger than that of brown rice rate and milled rice rate. Most tested lines belonged to short grain size, and the short-medium grain size were very few. In addition, most of tested lines belonged to bold shape, and only one line belonged to intermediate shape. Among the tested lines, they had better grain appearance and lower protein content lines than Tainung 67. Most lines belonged to medium or low gelatinization temperature, low amylose content, and soft gel consistency. Samples from Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station showed the highest value in brown rice rate, but those from Hualien DAIS showed the lowest. Sample from Taoyuan DAIS had the highest milled rice, but those from Hualien DAIS had the lowest. Samples from Chiayi branch station had the highest head rice rate, but those from Taitung DAIS had the lowest.Samples from Taitung and Hualien DAIS had the best translucency of milled rice, but those from Taoyuan DAIS had the worst. Samples from Kaohsiung DAIS had the highest value in the sum of white belly, center and back, but samples from Hualien DAIS had the lowest. Samples from Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station had the highest protein content, but those from Taitung DAIS had the lowest. Samples form Taitung DAIS had the highest amylose content, but those from Hualien DAIS had the lowest.Recently, for the japonica rice, breeders focus on selecting new lines having disease-insect resistance and high eating quality. However, to expand the diversity and to stimulate the consumption of rice diet, it is important to put an emphasis on selecting specific lines, which can be used in the form of processed products.


japonica rice grain quality


柯東岳(2011)。多環境下的水稻穀粒長寬及白堊質 數量性狀基因座定位〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.10969

