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Energy Saving in Chrysnathemum Night-break: Using Energy Saving Bulb and Cyclic Lighting


本試驗以新型省電燈泡及間歇照明利用於菊花夜間電照,期能節約電費成本。試驗採行慣用之100 W鎢絲燈泡及二種新型省電燈泡(20 W及21 W),分別以深夜連續電照或間歇電照4 hr,測試對抑制開花之有效性。間歇電照以30 min為一循環,每一循環照燈10 min,共8循環。參試二品種於三種燈泡之連續電照下,比較到花日數,在最低照度15 Lux下,均可以抑制或延遲開花。而間歇電照僅以‘黃秀芳’品種於鎢絲燈下可以抑制開花,‘金風車’品種間歇電照之臨界光度必須高於20 Lux,太低之光度則不能有效抑制開花。兩種省電燈泡以間歇電照方式,無法達到抑制開花之目的。不能有效抑制開花之試區,開花時之植株高度低及節數少,亦可以作為判斷電照成功與否之基準。二品種依測試結果之最低光量需求不同,以100 W鎢絲燈為例,‘黃秀芳’之臨界光量在1200 Lux‧min以下,而‘金風車’則需1600 Lux‧min以上,‘黃秀芳’在參試之最低光度15 Lux下,仍可以利用間歇照明節省能源。20 W及21 W省電燈泡之用電量為100 W鎢絲燈泡之19.3及21.3%,在相同之照度下,鎢絲燈之效果較省電燈泡佳,利用省電燈泡必須提高燈泡架設密度。三分之一時間間歇電照之用電量為連續電照之36~38%,僅適用需光量低之品種。省電燈泡及間歇電照均可節省電費,然必須考慮品種間對光量需求之差異性。


菊花 光週期 暗期中斷 間歇電照 光質


To save the energy cost of night-break by using energy saving bulbs and cyclic lighting is the aim of this experiment. Three types of bulbs, 100W tungsten-filament and two energy saving bulbs, 20W and 21W, were tested in continuous or cyclic lighting. An effective four-hour lighting during midnight was designed. A method of 30-minute cycle with 10 minutes lighting and 20-minute dark was designed for cyclic lighting. Eight cycles in 4 hours were conducted. Two chrysanthemum cultivars, 'Huang-Shiou-Fan' and 'Gin-Fong-Cher', were tested. Days to flowering, height and nodes of flowering stem were measured to identify the effectiveness of different lighting methods and materials.From the days to flowering, the effective inhibition of flower initiation was found in continous lighting of three bulbs and cyclic lighting of 100w tungsten-filament bulb. However, when the light intensity was less than 20 Lux, days to flowering was slightly earlier than that of higher light intensity. 'Gin-Fong-Cher' was more sensitive to light intensity than 'Huang-Shiou-Fan'. Cyclic lighting of using 21W and 20W energy saving bulbs couldn't maintain vegetative growth in early stage for cut flower production. From height and nodes of flowering, effectiveness of flowering inhibition could be evaluated. Critical light to inhibit flowering was estimated below 1,200 Lux‧min for 'Huang-Shiou-Fan' and above 1,600 Lux‧min for 'Gin-Fong-Cher'. For 'Huang-Shiou-Fan', cyclic lighting could be to save electricity even light intensity was low as 15 Lux.Electricity consumption of 20W and 21W energy saving bulbs were 19.3 and 21.3% of 100W incandescent tungsten-filament bulb. In same light intensity, incandescent tungsten-filament was more effective than energy saving bulbs. It was suggested to increase install density when energy saving bulbs were used for night-break. One-third cyclic lighting only could be applied for variety having low critical light amount, and consuming 36-38% electricity of continuous lighting. Using energy saving bulbs and cyclic lighting could save electricity. However, the diversity of critical light amount among cultivars should be considered.


