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Effects of Green Manure Blue Soybean and Different Cultivation Methods on the Yield and Quality of the First Crop Rice


1995-1997年分別在二期作與裡作栽培綠肥作物青皮豆,與三個水稻品種輪作。並利用省工之直播與機插,探討青皮豆與耕種方式對次年一期作稻米產量與品質之影響。不同品種間之差異最為明顯,以臺中秈10號表現最高產(7,474 kg/ha),碾米品質稉稻優於秈稻,白米外觀以臺稉8號最佳,米質理化性狀以稉稻直鏈澱粉含量較高、粗蛋白質含量較低,米飯物理性以臺中秈10號優於其餘兩個稉稻品種,米飯食味檢定以臺稉9號最受喜愛,糙米品質則以秈稻表現較好。不同綠肥處理間,產量以裡作種青皮豆處理之6,233 kg/ha較表現相同之對照處理與二期作種青皮豆處理為低,碾米品質以兩個綠肥處理稍差於未種任何綠肥之對照處理,但其米質理化性狀較對照處理稍有增進,以及裡作種青皮豆處理在米飯食味檢定結果稍佳之外,白米外觀、米飯物理性與糙米品質則表現相同。不同耕種方式間,僅直播(7,641 kg/ha)之產量高於機插(5,757 kg/ha)之外,其餘之碾米品質、白米外觀、米質理化性狀、米飯物理性、米飯食味官能檢定、糙米品質表現結果皆相同。不同年度間,碾米品質與米飯食味檢定均以第二年較佳,米質理化性狀中較特別的是第二年蛋白質含量明顯下降,至於產量、白米外觀、米飯物理性與糙米品質表現皆相同。


水稻 綠肥 青皮豆 耕種方式 產量 米質


Blue soybean, grown as green manure in the second crop season and inter-crop season, were rotated with three rice varieties in the first crop season under direct seeding and machine transplanting. The results indicated that there were much more significant differences among three rice varieties. Taichung sen 10 had the highest yield performance (7,474 kg/ha). Milling quality of Japonica rice was better than that of Indica rice. Taikeng 8 showed the best appearance of milled rice. Japonica rice had the higher amylose content and lower crude protein content. Physical properties of cooked rice of Taichung sen 10 were better than that of other two Japonica rice varieties. Taikeng 9 had the best eating quality. Indica rice had better brown rice quality. Among three different green manure treatments, the treatment of blue soybean planted in inter-crop season had the lowest rice yield, 6,233 Kg/ha. Milling quality of two green manure treatments was slightly less than that of check, which never planted blue soybean, but the physicochemical properties of rice quality were slightly improved. Eating quality of treatment of blue soybean planted in the inter-crop season had better performance. Appearance of milled rice, physical properties of cooked rice and brown rice quality among green manure treatments had the same performance. Between two different cultivation methods, only the yield (7,641 kg/ha) of direct seeding was higher than that (5,757 kg/ha) of machine transplanting. Milling quality, appearance of milled rice, the physicochemical properties of rice quality, physical properties of cooked rice, eating quality and brown rice quality all had the same performance. Results of different year trials showed that milling quality and eating quality of the second year were better than that of the first year. Crude protein content of rice quality reduced significantly for the second year. Yield, appearance of milled rice, physical properties of cooked rice and brown rice quality all had the same performance.


rice green manure blue soybean cultivation method yield rice quality
