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Breeding of Stringless Kidney Bean "Taichung No. 3"


選育出之菜豆新品種臺中3號,其親本來源為1995年自日本大學生物資源部海外協力學科蔬菜研究室經種籽交換而來。由原登記為Peru-1989-F-11-KJ-9品系,經繁殖進行品系觀察,發現該品系純度不高,諸多園藝性狀尚在分離,嫩莢型狀變異大。植株性狀,蔓長2m以上,為無限蔓性品系。生育勢中等,分枝性強。開花習性,有中晚花傾向,於播種後50~65天開花,始花節位於第6~17節著生第一花序。但嫩莢形狀歧異度極大,由圓莢至扁圓莢皆有,有凸仁之特性,莢長15~25 cm,為本親本品系最大之缺點。經多年選育後育成菜豆新品種臺中3號,本品種主要優良之特性為嫩莢無被縫絲,屬無筋絲之品系,莢型頃向圓莢型、肉質細緻、風味佳及高產為其優點。


菜豆 育種 無筋絲品種


The new variety of kidney bean Taichung No. 3, its parent origin was the seed exchange from the vegetables laboratory of Japanese University Biology Resources Department in 1995. The strain code number was Peru1989-F-9-KJ-9. Carries on the strain after the reproduction to observe, was discovered this strain character has early production, low pod setting nod, the pod shape is wide and long, the weight of each pod is heave. But the all-horticultural characters also still separating, the character of middle early production and the tender pod shape are serious variation; therefore we used the pure line selection method to breed a new variety Taichung No.3. It has characters for extremely early production, from sow to 50% adult plan blossoms is on 50th day, the tender pod can harvester beginning at 60~65 days after sowed. The pod exquisitely for the round pod, the length has 23 cm, width has 1 cm, thickness has 0.9 cm, the weight of each pod is more than 18 grams. It has a good shape of appearance, the pulp is delicate and the tender pod is stringless.


kidney bean breeding stringless variety
