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The Occurrence and Survey of the Bakanae and White-tip Diseases on Rice in Central Taiwan


水稻徒長病與線蟲白尖病為水稻種子傳播性病害,分別由病原真菌Gibberella fujikuroi(無性世代Fusarium moniliforme)及葉芽線蟲Aphelenchoides besseyi所引起。原本在花蓮、臺東地區水稻栽培區經常嚴重發生的水稻徒長病,近年來在中部地區也逐漸顯現。本試驗目的在調查此兩種病害於中部地區水稻發生情形,收集中部地區9家育苗業者所提供2009年2期作與2010年1期作之稻種,分別為28批與25批,共有5個品種,檢測其帶菌率與帶線蟲率,並對照該批秧苗於田間徒長病與線蟲白尖病發病率,同時調查兩種病害之發病率調查,以釐清該等病害在中部地區之危害情形。試驗結果顯示,水稻徒長病檢測部分,綜合兩期作分析推論,不同來源之相同品種稻種,水稻徒長病之帶菌率有顯著差異,其中以採樣自草屯、烏日、埤頭與大安育苗場的稻種帶菌率為最高;秧苗徒長病罹病率則以溪州的秧苗徒長枝為最多。此外,兩期作分析僅只有採樣自大安、大雅、草屯與溪州的部份稻種可檢測出葉芽線蟲,而以大安及大雅的帶蟲率為最高。另將田間調查發病情形與室內檢測結果比對,推論帶菌率與帶線蟲率高的稻種,該育苗中心鄰近鄉鎮的水稻田間亦可發現病害的發生,且罹病率較其他鄉鎮高。因此,推測水稻徒長病與葉芽線蟲之發生與水稻品種並無絕對關係,而是與育苗業者是否取得乾淨的稻種,以及浸種時消毒是否確實,存在較大的關連性。


徒長病 白尖病 秧苗 稻種


The bakanae disease and white tip disease are rice infectious diseases by rice seed. The bakanae disease that originally infected seriously in cultivated areas in Hualien and Taitung areas has been appearing in the central Taiwan these years as well. The aim of the experiment attempts to survey the occurrence infected by these two diseases. We collect the 28 lots of rice seeds including five rice varieties from the second crop season, 2009 and the 25 lots of rice seeds from the first season, 2010. Those rice seeds were supplied by the 9 rice seedling nursery centers in central Taiwan. To detect the percentage of seeds infested with Fusarium moniliforme and Aphelenchoides besseyi, and the percentage of seedling infected with the F. moniliforme. In the meantime, survey the incidence of the two diseases on rice field and proceeded to clarify the disease spread situation in the central Taiwan. Combining the analyses of those data, we infer that rate of those seeds infested with the pathogen has obvious variations in the same variety of rice seeds from different places, and those seeds originated form Caotun, Wurih, Pitou and Da-an nursery centers have the highest percentage with the F. moniliforme; the higest incidence of bakanae disease on seedling from Hsichou nursery center. Besides, the result showed only part of rice seeds from Da-an, Daya, Caotun and Hsichou nursery centers can detect the A. besseyi, and the seeds from Da-an and Daya was obtained the highest incidence rate of A. besseyi. In addition, comparing the data of incidence on rice seeds, seedling and field, we suggested that the rice seeds from rice seedling nursery center which had higher percentage with the pathogen of F. moniliforme and A. besseyi, that fields neighbored the nursery center could find the disease, then the incidence would higher than other township. Finally, to conclude, there is no absolute relationship between the cause of the bakanae disease and white tip disease and the rice varieties, but it depends on if the rice seedling nursery center can acquire clean seeds and sterilize fully before planting.
