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Preliminary Studies on Applying Pour-through Medium Solution Testing Method on Orienal Cymbidium


小花蕙蘭常因不同栽培環境及介質種類影響,其生長及開花至今尚無快速且方便的檢測方法,可供農友施肥調整之參考。本研究目的為探討介質溶液淋洗置換法(Pour-through;簡稱PT)應用於小花蕙蘭施肥參考依據之可行性。由試驗結果顯示,施肥1 hr後,以10至100 ml等不同蒸餾水量傾注,所收取PT淋洗液EC值及pH值無顯著差異。於施肥1 hr後,以50 ml蒸餾水傾注,分別於第30分鐘至第2,880分鐘等不同時間,所收集之PT淋洗液EC值無顯著差異。於施肥1 hr後,以二次蒸餾水、自來水、礦泉水商品等三種不同水源,等量50 ml傾注,對收集的PT淋洗液EC值及pH值亦無顯著影響。在施用相同肥料不同稀釋倍數處理下,施肥後1 hr,以蒸餾水50 ml傾注,經過30分鐘後,收取之PT淋洗液EC值及pH值在肥料不同稀釋倍數處理間互有差異,且在相同肥料及稀釋倍數處理下,於施肥後1 hr及24 hr收集之PT淋洗液,其EC值相近。又PT淋洗液EC值在不同國蘭品種及不同栽培介質情況下,會呈現不同的反應。由以上結果顯示,PT淋洗液可反應小花蕙蘭之介質肥份,未來可建立適用於小花蕙蘭之介質溶液淋洗置換法(PT),做為日後栽培業者施肥應用之參考。


The fertilization management of oriental cymbidium has been researched, but the results varied upon cultivation conditions. It can be improved of pour-through (PT) medium solution testing is applied, but such study was not found on oriental cymbidium. In order to make sure if PT can be applied to sphagnum moss, and setting up standard procedure, this study tested on volume of the water applied, EC of the water applied, and the timing of leachate collecting. The results demonstrate that there were not significant influence on leachate EC and pH when the volume of applying distilled water was between 10 to 100 ml. Applying 50 ml distilled water and collected during 30-2880 minutes with one hour after fertilization also had no remarkable influence on the leachate EC and pH. Lachate EC and pH were not changed when applying 50 ml distilled water, mineral water and tap water with one hour after fertilization. Therefore, practically all kinds of water can be used as applied water. Leachate EC and pH had no significant different in which oriental cymbidium grows, as affected by different concentrations of hyponex 20-20-20 and collected times (1 and 24 hours). Leachate ECs were different as affected by different oriental cymbidium and different mediums. To sum up, PT is proved to be useful for oriental cymbidium grown with same medium, and the process should be set up and suggested to farmers.


cymbidium pour-through PT fertilization
