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Impact of Home Economic Education on the Improving Living Standard Quality of Farm Women in Taichung Area




家政推廣 生活素質


This study is to investigate the improvement of living standard quality of farm women affected by home economic education in Taichung Area. The Delphi Technique is used to establish the questionnaires of ”Quality of Life Index” including the following four aspects: ”improving individual physical and mental development”, ”strengthening personal capability or ability”, ”promoting social interaction and caring” and ”enhancing the well-being of family life”, and there are 51 items of indicators. The objects of this survey are members of home economic groups in Taichung City, Nantou County and Changhua County. There are total 627 valid questionnaires. The SPSS statistical analysis software is used to find out the distribution of the sample variables and the correlation of variables. The important findings are as follows:1. The average age of target members of home economic groups is rather middle aged 54.4 years old. The average years of joing the home economic group is 10.3 years. Most of them have high school education. Their occupation is mostly home management.2. The highest scores of quality of life index for home economic members is ”promoting social interaction and caring” and follow by ”enhancing the well-being of family life”, ”improving individual physical and mental development” and ”strengthening personal capability”.3. Durations of attending home economic group have the greatest influence on the quality of life. The senior members are mostly affected by home economic education and have higher overall performance of quality of life index, home economics extension education could enhance the quality of life.4. It is recommended that home economics extension education should focus on the field of ”strengthen personal capability” such as the ability of presiding the group meeting and method (or technique) demonstration. And in line of promoting local consumption of agricultural products and food education should strengthen the ability of farm women in agricultural production, simple (basic) processing and marketing as well as managing sideline business to increase economic income of farm families.
