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Study on the Control of Stalk Soft Rot Disease of Calla Lily Cut Flower


本研究從防治作物細菌性病害常用之農藥、消毒藥劑及農民常用之保鮮劑篩選出有效抑制彩色海芋軟腐病菌("Pectobacterium carotovorum" subsp. "carotovorum")之藥劑,結果顯示鏈黴素、銅快得寧、三元硫酸銅、嘉賜銅、硫酸銅、漂白水及二氧化氯等7種藥劑,皆可完全殺死水中軟腐細菌;進一步評估具抑菌效果之藥劑對彩色海芋切花影響,結果發現銅快得寧、三元硫酸銅、嘉賜銅及硫酸銅等4種含銅藥劑浸漬處理彩色海芋切花,皆會造成彩色海芋切花花梗基部切口處縊縮黑化,而鏈黴素、漂白水及二氧化氯等3種藥劑,則完全不會對彩色海芋切花造成影響;在進一步探討藥劑浸漬處理對彩色海芋切花花梗軟腐病之防治效果,結果發現漂白水及鏈黴素二種藥劑防治效果較佳,而二種藥劑混合一起使用也有同樣防治效果,混合藥劑將可減少抗藥性產生。


彩色海芋 軟腐病 藥劑 防治


The objective of this study was to screen effective chemicals for the control of soft rot disease of calla lily cut flower. The soft rot pathogen, "Pectobacterium carotovorum" subsp. "carotovorum", was completely suppressed by seven chemicals selected, including oxine-copper + cupric hydroxide, tribasic copper sulfate, kasugamycin+copper oxychloride, copper sulfate, streptomycin, sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide. Phytotoxic effect of blackened stalk bases were observed after immersing the cut flowers in copper-containing solutions (oxine-copper+cupric hydroxide, tribasic copper sulfate, kasugamycin + copper oxychloride or copper sulfate solution) for 7 days. Streptomycin, sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide treatments showed no phytotoxic effects to the cut flower stalks. Treatments of streptomycin and sodium hypochlorite significantly reduced soft rot symptoms of calla lily cut flower. Application of the two chemicals mixture had similar control effects and it may reduced the risk of bactericide resistance of the pathogen.
