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The Differences of Morphology and DNA Barcode in Two Echinacea Species


本研究比較紫花紫錐菊(Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench)及狹葉紫錐菊(E. pallida Nutt.var. angustifolia)此2種常用基原植物之形態,並以聚合酶連鎖反應探討2個紫錐花種原葉綠體基因擴增片段的差異,復以6個可產生清楚條帶的引子對擴增ycf3 Intron1, trnV Intron,psbB Exon, petD-rpoA, ndhB Exon2, trnV-rrn16等6個基因片段,作為基因條碼辨識區,本6基因分別位於葉綠體基因的LSC (Large Single Copy)區域和IR (Invert Repeat)區域,發現2種基原植物的LSC區域變異較大,可作為基因條碼識別區,利用NCBI的核苷酸比對功能(nucleotide blast)比對NCBI核苷酸資料庫,發現最接近者為野生向日葵(Helianthusmaximiliani)(GenBank: KF746383.1),以此為藍圖可列出本研究所擴增序列在葉綠體基因組中的相對位置。本研究共定序4020 bp,佔葉綠體基因之2.66%,2物種位於LSC基因的條碼差別在1-3鹼基對之間,包括Indel差異。如果以位於IR區域的ndhB Exon2和trnV-rrn16基因,則兩種基原植物無法區別,此二段基因在此2個物種中為完全相同,不具鑑別力,所定序之結果即可視為此2種紫錐花的基因條碼。


In this study, the morphology of the two commonly used medicinal plants Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench and E. pallida Nutt. var. angustifolia was compared. Selected plastids genes of the two species were cloned via PCR and sequenced to compare their differences. The primer pairs that yield clear bands including ycf3 Intron1, trnV Intron, psbB Exon, petD-rpoA, ndhB Exon2, trnV-rrn16, which are located at LSC and IR (Invert Repeat) region of plastid DNA. After sequenced, the results found that genes located at LSC region yield more DNA variation than IR region, that can be used as genetic barcode. The sequences of the 2 species were blast with NCBI nucleotide database, in which wild sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) (GenBank: KF746383.1) was the closest related species in the database. In the study, it sequenced 4,020 bp which accounted for 2.66% of chloroplast genome. DNA barcode differences of the 2 species varied 1-3 bp at the LSC region including Indel. For the locus ndhB Exon2 and trnV-rrn16 at IR, their sequences were identical that could not be distinguished. The locus sequenced in this study could be used as their DNA barcode.
