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Identification of Waxy Alleles in the Waxy Sorghum, Liangnuo No. 1


為加速育成糯性高粱品種進程,縮短育種年限,本試驗將利用現有已發表的高粱糯性基因(wx^a, wx^b, wx^c)之分子標誌,透過聚合酶連鎖反應(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)與限制酵素處理,對糯性高粱‘兩糯一號’,與其後代分離自交系族群進行糯行遺傳背景分析,以利未來分子輔助育種選拔參考依據。結果顯示高粱‘兩糯1號’在糯性基因上僅帶有wx^a基因,而在其後代分離自交系分析中也獲得一致的結果。本研究確立小量DNA迅速有效的萃取方法,僅需配置簡單的藥品,透過鋼珠研磨、水浴萃取與離心沉降,便可於短時間萃取大量樣品數,可用於中等品質DNA試驗,以及大量族群篩選使用。在糯性遺傳分析方面,已完成3個分子標誌(wx^a, wx^b, wx^c)的最佳分析方法。當DNA稀釋濃度在100ng/μl,且wx^b與wx^c分子標誌的黏合溫度提高至60℃時,分子標誌的PCR結果的再現性與專一性最為穩定。此有助於將來糯性高粱分子育種篩選的有效性與準確性之提升。


高粱 兩糯1號 糯性基因


In order to shorten the breeding process for glutinous sorghum varieties, in this study, the three of previous found waxy gene markers (wx^a, wx^b, wx^c) of sorghum were used to test the inbreed lines of the known sorghum variety, Liangnuo NO. 1. Through PCR and restriction enzyme digestion treatment, it was identified that Liangnuo NO. 1 obtained wx^a gene only, and in its inbreed lines has the same gene performance. A nero methology was developed for extracting DNA with simple chemicals, steel balls grinded, water bath extracted, supernatant subsided and centrifugation. It was a fast, stable and useful methodology in obtaining mid-quality DNA for large population selection. While increasing the DNA concentration to 100 ng/μl, and rising the annealing temperature upto 60℃ (for markers wx^b and wx^c), high fideling in the PCR result could be achieved. It found that the most suitable condition for the analysis in three sorghum waxy gene markers and improving the effectiveness of selection in molecular breeding.


sorghum Liangnuo NO. 1 waxy gene (waxy)
