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Development of the Self-Propelled Fertilizer Applicator


本研究設計並開發1台手扶自走式施肥機,可供果園樹冠下及植株周邊撒施肥料應用。本機以單缸汽油引擎為動力源,行走底盤為三輪式,前單輪驅動、後雙輪支撐,行走速度可無段變速調整;配置容量80 L之肥料斗,藉由斗底雙閘門開關調節施肥量;採離心轉盤撒施肥料,撒施方向可選擇單側、雙側或三側同時作業,達連續、均勻、彈性施肥的效果。經測試結果顯示,施肥機作業效率約1.26 ha/hr,較現行以獨輪車載肥、人工撒肥方式快2倍,足解決一部分田間施肥管理的辛勞與負荷,並加速推動省工機械化的目標。


The study was to design and fabricate a self-propelled fertilizer applicator for the walks under the canopy and around a tree. This machine was equipped with the three-wheel, single cylinder gasoline engine-driven, hand hilt control system, front wheels to drive, and the back two wheels to support, with varied speed function. Fertilizer tank with 80 L capacity was placed above the machine and centrifugal rotating disc fertilization and the gates was used to control the amount of fertilizer. The direction of the fertilizer application can be selected on one side, two sides or three sides according to the demand. The application operated with a continuous and uniform fertilization effect. The operating rate is 1.26 ha/hr, about 2 times faster than manual. The developed machine is suitable for small area of the orchards and can reduce labor loads and achieve the labor-saving objection.
