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SNP Identification by Genome Re-sequencing for Genetic Purity Testing of F_1 Hybrid Seed in Cabbage


單一核苷酸多型性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)分子標誌因於基因組中數量繁多,且具有高再現性及可高度自動化分析的特性,為育種研究中重要的分子標誌。為建立重要經濟蔬菜作物甘藍(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)之SNP標誌開發流程,本研究以臺中區農業改良場於102年育成之耐熱性與結球性極佳的一代雜交品種甘藍‘台中2號’及其兩自交系親本為材料,進行基因體重定序,共計獲得6,449,309個SNP位點與823,898個InDel。由SNP位點設計合成28組Allele-Specific PCR引子組、23組切割擴增多型性序列(CAPS)標誌與11組TaqMan SNP分析套組,分別獲得8、9及9組可正確辨別甘藍‘台中2號’及其親本之基因型,顯示本試驗流程可快速開發雜交種子純度檢測標誌。豐富的序列資料與多樣的標誌類型,未來則可進一步應用於連鎖圖譜建立、重要性狀定位及分子標誌輔助選種。


Single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)marker is an important type of DNA markers because it is highly abundant, highly reproducible and amenable to automation. To establish the SNPs development process, we performed genome re-sequencing and analysis of a heat-resistant F_1 hybrid cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)cultivar 'Taichung No. 2' and its two parental lines. A total of 6,449,309 SNPs and 823,898 InDel were identified. Markers of different systems were designed from the parent-unique SNPs and were validated using 48 individuals. As a result, 8 out of 28 allele-specific PCR for SNP, 9 out of 23 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence(CAPS)markers and 9 out of 11 TaqMan SNP genotyping assays could be used in quality control of the cabbage hybrid seed. The results and data are useful for future studies on cabbage breeding.


cabbage SNP
