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Evaluation of the Control Efficacy of the Biocontrol Agent-nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum on Fusarium Wilt of Cucumber in Field Condition


臺灣產無病原性尖鐮胞菌(nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum, NPFo)Fo276、Fo95022、Fo95024及Fo95026菌株已被證實,於溫室條件下具有延緩胡瓜萎凋病病勢發展之能力,且NPFo配合剪胚軸法導入植株後可表現更佳的防治效果。本研究為縮短剪胚軸胡瓜苗再次發根所需之時間與強化根系的發展,證實胡瓜苗沾取濃度為50 ppm植物生長素-吲哚丁酸(Indole-butyric acid, IBA),與對照組相比可顯著提升發根效果。本研究利用育苗澆菌法與配合發根素之剪胚軸法將NPFo菌株導入植株內,於田間條件下評估防治胡瓜萎凋病之效果。2010年於高雄市路竹區進行田間防治觀察試驗,結果顯示以育苗澆菌法導入NPFo菌株Fo276與Fo95026的胡瓜植株,定植於田間9週後發病度分別達65.1與70.3%,與對照組62.3%發病度相近,而Fo95024菌株之發病度為43.1%,明顯顯示其抑病效果。翌年於南投縣魚池鄉試驗田中,以剪胚軸法導入NPFo菌株至胡瓜內,定植於田間8週後顯示,處理Fo276菌株的植株發病度為42.9%,與對照組56.1%發病度無顯著差異;而接種Fo95022、Fo95024、Fo95026及混合菌株的發病度則介於33.3-38.0%,明顯低於對照組之發病度。


A previous study indicated that nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (NPFo) isolates Fo276, Fo95022, Fo95024 and Fo95026 showed the ability in delaying the disease development on Fusarium wilt of cucumber in greenhouse bioassay tests. Moreover, the satisfactory biological control efficacy of NPFo was achieved when the isolates were introduced into cucumber plants by the hypocotyl cutting inoculation method. To increase the rooting efficacy of hypocotyl cutting seedlings, Indole-butyric acid (IBA) was used here. The results indicated that the hypocotyl cutting seedlings were showed the best rooting index after treating with 50 ppm of IBA. Furthermore, the biocontrol efficacy of NPFo isolates in controlling Fusarium wilt of cucumber was evaluated in field conditions by substrate irrigation and hypocotyl cutting inoculation methods. The preliminary test was conducted at Luzhu in 2010. The isolates Fo276, Fo95024 and Fo95026 were introduced into cucumber plants by substrate irrigation inoculation method. The result indicated that the disease severity rating (DSR) of NPFo isolates of Fo276 and Fo95026 provided after 9 weeks were 65.1 and 70.3%, which was similar to that of the control treatment (62.3%); whereas the DSR of the Fo95024 treatment was 43.1%, which was significantly lower than that of the control. In the following year, the NPFo isolates were introduced into cucumber plants by hypocotyl cutting inoculation method and then transplanted in the field at Yuchi for evaluating the biocontrol efficacy of Fusarium wilt. Eight weeks after the transplantation of seedlings into the field, disease severity was suppressed by the NPFo isolates Fo95022, Fo95024, Fo95026 and combination of isolates, with a DSR between 33.3 and 38.0%. However, the DSR of isolate Fo276 was 42.9%, which was not significantly different from that of the control (56.1%).
