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Development of the Differential Medium of Fusarium fujikuroi, the Causal Agent of Rice Bakanae Disease


由病原真菌Fusarium fujikuroi所引起的水稻徒長病(Bakanae disease of rice)是重要的水稻病害之一,雖以播種前進行種子消毒為主要的防治方式,然此病害仍不時在田間普遍發生。本病主要透過種子傳播,若能在稻種播種前即時偵測其帶菌率,進一步與秧苗期之發病率連結,便能預先排除帶菌率高者進入苗盤種植,減少秧苗期與本田期的危害。為了能夠偵測出稻穀之帶菌情形,本研究開發的水稻徒長病菌鑑別培養基,定名為FFC培養基,其配方為20 g Galactose、2 g L-asparagine、1 g K_2HPO_4、0.5 g MgSO_4.7H_2O、0.5 g KCl、0.01 g Fe-Na-EDTA、1 g Na_2B_4O_7.10H_2O、20 g agar與1 L水。將其pH值調整為4.5,經高溫高壓滅菌後添加1 ppm放線菌酮、2 ppm大克爛、5 ppm腐絕、10 ppm福多寧、1 ppm依普同、1,000 ppm氯化鋰及200 ppm氯黴素。本鑑別培養基可鑑別出稻種上常見的Fusarium種類,甚至可區別形態上極為相似的F. proliferatum。


Bakanae disease is one of the most important rice diseases worldwide, and is endemic in Taiwan for the recent years. Typical symptoms are on the primary leaves with slender, chlorotic and elongated appearances, which is caused by the pathogen, Fusarium fujikuroi. Infected plants can be observed on the seedbed and in the field. This pathogen has long been considered to be seed-borne. Therefore, seed sterilization is the major approach to control this disease and has been proved effective. However, this disease still outbreaks from time to time and its occurrence is hardly predictable. In order to detect F. fujikuroi in seeds, a differential medium, designated as FFC medium, has been developed in this study. FFC medium contains 20 g Galactose, 2 g L-asparagine, 1 g K_2HPO_4, 0.5 g MgSO_4.7H_2O, 0.5 g KCl, 0.01 g Fe-Na-EDTA, 1 g Na_2B_4O_7. 10H_2O, 20 g agar, 1 ppm Cycloheximide, 2 ppm Dichloran, 1 ppm Iprodione, 5 ppm Thiabendazole, 10 ppm Flutolanil, 1,000 ppm lithium choloride, 200 ppm chloramphenicol and 1 L distilled water. Although both F. fujikuroi and F. proliferatum are morphologically indistinguishable, they could be easily separated by FFC medium. F. proliferatum can be inhibited on FFC medium.
