  • 期刊
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Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Treatment on Pitaya Fruit Traits and Quality under Low Temperature Storage


臺灣紅龍果產季集中於5-10月,易因大量種植而造成生產過剩的問題,採收後之果實成熟過程持續進行,如何維持貯藏果實品質拓展外銷途徑是極需面對的問題。本試驗為瞭解植物生長調節劑對紅龍果果實品質之影響,選用吉貝素(Gibberellins,GA_3)與喜果精(Cytex)試劑,適量噴施於越南白肉種與大紅紅肉種紅龍果開花期或花後第7與14天花朵基部,在花後第32天採收調查果實品質,其後進行低溫貯藏並監測果實品質在試驗期間的變化。試驗結果顯示,在PE塑膠包材的包覆下,貯藏試驗至第28天紅龍果果實單果平均失重率維持在果實重量2%之內。植物生長調節劑對不同品種紅龍果果實影響而異,吉貝素對越南白肉種紅龍果影響較廣,有效增加果皮與苞片厚度並延遲果皮轉色程度,且高濃度(20 ppm)吉貝素處理會增長果實形態,經低溫貯藏後也降低苞片尖端枯黃情況;大紅紅肉種紅龍果對吉貝素的感受性較低。喜果精對於越南白肉種或大紅紅肉種紅龍果的外觀轉色程度、果實形狀、大小及硬度無明顯影響,但對大紅紅肉種紅龍果果實苞片尖端厚度有增加效果,且經過喜果精處理後的果實與對照組相比,在低溫貯藏後保有較佳的果實品質與外觀。


The pitaya fruit season in Taiwan is concentrated from May to October, which is prone to overproduction caused by large-scale planting. The ripening process of matured pitaya fruits is ongoing after harvested. How to maintain the quality of stored fruits and increase export channels is a problem that needs to be faced. In order to understand the effect of plant growth regulators on the quality of pitaya fruit, we conducted Gibberellins (GA_3) and Cytex to elucidate the effect of the reagents on both white-flesh and red-flesh pitaya after harvested. The Cytex reagent was selected and sprayed at the base of flower during the flowering period, and the GA_3 was sprayed on the 7th and 14th days after flowering. The test fruits were harvested on day 32th after flowering and traced the fruits quality. The fruits were packing and then stored at low temperature and monitored the changes of fruit quality during the experiment. The test results showed that the average weight loss rate of a pitaya fruit remained within 2% of fruit weight until the 28th day of the test under the cover of appropriate PE plastic packaging material. Different plant growth regulators have different levels of influence on traits of pitaya fruit. GA_3 has more influence on Vietnam-White fruit, which effectively increases the thickness of the peel and bract and may delay the color transformation of peel. High concentration (20 ppm) treatment elongates the fruit morphology and also reduces the yellowing of the bract after low temperature storage. The Da-Hong red-flesh pitaya fruit has a lower sensitivity to GA_3 reagent. However, Cytex treatment had no obvious effect on the color transformation, fruit shape, size and firmness of Vietnam-White or Da-Hong pitaya fruits. it had an effect on increasing the tip thickness of the bracts of Da-Hong pitaya fruits. The fruits after Cytex treatment had better fruit quality and appearance after low temperature storage compared with the control group.


plant growth regulator gibberellins Cytex bract
