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Breeding of New Soybean Variety 'Taichung No. 1'


大豆新品種‘台中1號’係臺中區農業改良場,於2015年起進行引種純化分離選育,經株行試驗、品系試驗、區域試驗、病蟲害檢定及蛋白質分析等試驗,於2021年10月育成並命名。大豆新品種‘台中1號’具有可延晚種植、生長勢強、不裂莢、耐紫斑病、非基因轉殖、蛋白質含量高等優良特性。大豆‘台中1號’秋作生育日數100-103天、株高75-120cm;株型屬於有限生長型,花為紫紅色,葉為羽狀三小葉,小葉為橢圓形;種子形狀為橢圓形,種皮、子葉為黃色,種臍為棕色,百粒重10.46-12.51 g;籽實產量每公頃秋作1,744-3,047 kg。蛋白質35.83-37.57%,營養成分豐富,適合做豆芽、醬油等產品。


大豆 純系選育 秋作


G. max 'Taichung No. 1' is a new yellow soybean variety successfully developed by the Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station in October, 2021. This variety was introduced, purified and isolated in 2015, and has been under went the plant selection process and the selected plants then went through a series of standard field evaluations according to plant line test, strain test, regional test, pest and disease inspection and protein analysis. 'Taichung No. 1' shows many positive characteristics such as late planting, strong growth potential, non-split pods, high yield, resistance to purple spot disease, non-transgenic and high protein content. The days from sowing to maturing of 'Taichung No1' is 100-103 days and the height is about 75.67-120 cm in the fall crop. The plant type belongs to the limited growth type, the plant has purple-red flowers and trifoliate oval leaflets. The seed shape is oval, coat and cotyledon are yellow. The hilum is brown. The dry weight of 100 seeds is 10.46-12.51 g. Average yield is 1,744-3,047 kg/ha in the fall crop seasons, 'Taichung No. 1' has high protein content of 35.83-37.57% and is therefore suitable for making food products such as bean sprouts and soy sauce.


soybean pure line selection method fall crop
