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Adaptation of Regional Rice Production to Cope with Climate Change: A Case Study in Miaoli




水稻 調適 氣候變遷 苗栗


Weather phenomena, such as extreme temperatures (heat waves and low temperatures) and abnormal rainfall levels (droughts and floods) caused by climate change, have called international attention to imbalances in the supply and demand of food and food security. The supply of food in Taiwan is based on rice, but changes in dietary habits and the large-scale import of grains (e.g. soybeans, wheat, and corn) have caused excess supply, even though only 33% of the food supply is produced domestically. To conform to domestic policies ensuring a steady food supply and increasing the ratio of food self-sufficiency, domestic rice production should be adjusted in response to rapid climate changes. Cultivating stress-resistant varieties, adjusting cultivation techniques (e.g., irrigation management, crop rotation in paddies and upland fields, and sensible use of fertilization), improving integrated pest management, evaluating the environmental benefits of paddies, and promoting the diversification of rice diets are all critical strategies that are worth pursuing. Miaoli lacks abundant sunshine and experiences strong winds; thus, lodging resistance should be a target characteristic in the selective breeding of stress-resistant rice. Approximately 60% of rice farmers in Miaoli adjust their plant spacing in the first season and the second season, respectively, indicating that Miaoli farmers have already adjusted their cultivation techniques to adapt to climate change. To stabilize the quality of rice crops in the area, it is suggested that rice seedlings be transplanted 15 days earlier in the 1st season of cultivation and slightly delayed in the 2nd season, so that the grain filling period occurs when the average daily temperature is safely at or below 26 °C. Because greenhouse gas emissions are high and the rice yield is low in the 2nd season, rice cultivation in the 1st season should be actively promoted and cultivation of other crops in the 2nd season should be incentivized. This cultivation method can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the percentage of food self-sufficiency, and serve as a paradigm for rice production and the re-activation of fallow fields in Northern Taiwan.


rice adaptation climate change Miaoli


