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Effect of storage time on fruit quality of Hosui pear


本研究探討貯藏時間對豐水梨果實品質之影響,以中國大陸及日本進口之豐水梨(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Hosui)梨穗生成之果實為材料,比較兩者於採收及貯藏於0℃下三個月期間,果實品質之變化及差異性。試驗結果顯示,採收時中國大陸豐水梨之可溶性固形物高於日本豐水梨,分別為11.55 °Brix及10.38 °Brix,但兩者的果實寬度、重量、果心大小、果肉厚度、可食率、硬度、可滴定酸、糖酸比、果糖及葡萄糖含量相當,顯示採收期之品質差異性不大。貯藏三個月後,兩者之果實品質均呈現下降的趨勢,果皮色澤由明亮轉趨於黯淡,雖然中國大陸豐水梨的硬度及可滴定酸與日本豐水梨相當,但果實維持可溶性固形物含量(11.45 °Brix),使得糖酸比(107.80)高於日本豐水梨,果糖(26.77 mg.ml^(-1))、葡萄糖(16.54 mg.ml^(-1))和山梨糖醇(11.57 mg.ml^(-1))含量亦高於日本豐水梨,顯示中國大陸豐水梨貯藏後仍可維持較高的果實品質。


嫁接 高接梨 豐水梨 貯藏 品質


This study assessed the effect of storage time on the fruit quality of Hosui pear. Fruits that grow on the scion of Hosui pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Hosui) imported from China and Japan were used for comparison of changes and differences in fruit quality at harvest and after stored at 0℃ for three months. Results showed that Hosui pears scions from China had higher soluble solids than those from Japan at harvest with 11.55 °Brix and 10.38 °Brix, respectively. There was no different in fruit width, weight, core size, pulp thickness, edible portion, hardness, titratable acidity, sugar-acid ratio, and fructose and glucose content, between the two scions sources at harvest. After three months storage, fruit quality of both scion sources declined and the bright fruit skin turned dark. Fruits sample from China had similar hardness and titratable acidity to those from Japan. However, fruit from Chinese scions maintained soluble solids content (11.45 °Brix), resulting in a higher sugar-acid ratio than a consistent Japan (107.80). Content of fructose (26.77 mg.ml^(-1)), glucose (16.54 mg.ml^(-1)), and sorbitol (11.57 mg.ml^(-1)) were also higher than Hosui pear on Japanese scions showing that Hosui pear scion from China maintains higher fruit quality after storage.


grafting top-grafted pear Hosui pear storage quality
