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Selection of rice blast resistant varieties and evaluation of control benefits in Miaoli




稻熱病 水稻品種 防治效益


The incidence of rice blast in 27 commercial rice varieties are understudying. In Miaoli, from 2015 to 2020, the varieties with a higher incidence of leaf rice blast include Koshihikari, Tainan No. 16, and Tainan No. 11; however, others are in a lower incidence of this disease. The varieties including Taichung Indica No. 10, Taichung Indica No. 17, and Tai Geng Nuo No. 1. Koshihikari has the highest incidence rate among commercial varieties of ear rice blast, which reached 91.6% in 2019; the lower commercial varieties of ear rice blast include Taichung Indica No. 10, Taichung Indica No. 17, and Taichung No. 192. The testing data of rice blast incidence collected from seven agricultural improvement farms across Taiwan in 6 years, using 25 rice varieties, suggested that avoid large‐scale cultivating these varieties, including Taigen 8, Taigen 11, Taigen 14 and Taijing No. 16, Taoyuan No. 3, Tainan No. 11, Kaohsiung No. 139, and Hualien No. 21 in the same area. Researchers recently found that the effect of recommended pesticides for controlling rice blasts varied from region to region. Therefore, the research team uses rice blast fungus from each region to conduct the recommended pesticide sensitivity test. In Miaoli, for example, the most significant effect on inhibiting rice blasts is by using Prochloraz 25% EW, Iminoctadine 25% SL, and Kasugamycin + Carbendazim 43% SC. We recommend that Mancozeb 33% SC and Prochloraz 25% EW and Edifenphos 50% EW can receive the best result to inhibit spore germination. Monitoring the incidence of 27 kinds of rice blast in commercial rice varieties. Based on the monitoring results in Miaoli from 2015 to 2020, the varieties with higher incidence of leaf rice blast include Koshihikari, Tainan No. 16 and Tainan No. 11; the incidence of leaf rice blast is lower The varieties include Taichung Indica No. 10, Taichung Indica No. 17 and Tai Geng Nuo No. 1. Koshihikari has the highest incidence rate among commercial varieties of ear rice blast, which reached 91.6% in 2019; the lower commercial varieties of ear rice blast include Taichung Indica No. 10, Taichung Indica No. 17 and Taichung No. 192. Based on the results of setting up monitoring fields in the jurisdiction of 7 agricultural improvement farms across Taiwan in 6 years, using 25 rice varieties to conduct field rice blast monitoring results, it is recommended that Taigen 8, Taigen 11, Taigen 14 and Taijing No. 16, Taoyuan No. 3, Tainan No. 11, Kaohsiung No. 139, Hualien No. 21, etc., avoid large-scale planting in the same area. In recent years, it has been found that the effectiveness of the recommended pesticide control for rice blast will vary from region to region. The agricultural improvement farms in each district use the rice blast fungus from each region to conduct the recommended pesticide sensitivity test. Take rice blast isolates in Miaoli as an example. In terms of inhibitory effect, Prochloraz 25% EW, Iminoctadine 25% SL, and Kasugamycin + Carbendazim 43% SC have the most significant effect; to inhibit spore germination, Mancozeb 33% SC and Prochloraz 25% EW and Edifenphos 50% EW has the best effect, and it can be recommended to farmers for reference.


rice blast rice varieties control benefits
